Celebrating 100 Years of Teacher Education Through Community Collaboration
Throughout this document, emphasis has been placed on the outcomes of diligent and careful inclusive community and university collaboration. The involvement was the underlying reason for our success. The planning team was composed of a diverse group of community individuals and corporate volunteers as well as committed university faculty and staff. From publicizing the events, … Continue reading "Celebrating 100 Years of Teacher Education Through Community Collaboration"
16 avril 2006
Recycling effort gears up with U-Bike
Calgary community was involved by donating 50 bicycles. The Outdoor Recreation staff helped restore and mobilize the bikes. Staff and Student were involved in developing and using the program. The program is highly transferable to any campus. There is a need for some initial leadership and support for the champion department (i.e. parking, security, transportation … Continue reading "Recycling effort gears up with U-Bike"
16 avril 2006
Translating Vision in Action
The scorecard was developed as a direct result of the Vision 2010 Strategic Plan. Producing Vision 2010 involved unprecedented consultation with professors, support staff, students, alumni, donors, community and business members in both Anglophone and Francophone communities. Various consultation tools from discussion papers to pizza parties were used to ensure input from a wide net … Continue reading "Translating Vision in Action"
16 avril 2006
Academic Leadership Development Program for Newly Appointed Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Chairs’ School)
The program has been developed and offered by Staff learning and Development in collaboration with the Office of the Provost, Academic Staff Administration, and Chairs’ Council Executive. A deliberate effort was made to include a wide variety of individuals from the UofA community in preparing content and presenting in the program. For example, the following … Continue reading "Academic Leadership Development Program for Newly Appointed Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Chairs’ School)"
16 avril 2006
Reading Week Projects: Community Service Learning
The UBC reading week project demonstrates a high level of commitment to all its stakeholders -students, staff, community members and the institution. Students are invested with important leadership roles in the development and implementation of the reading week projects. Community organizations participate fully in the organization, development and delivery of each individual reading week project. … Continue reading "Reading Week Projects: Community Service Learning"
16 avril 2005
The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)
Involvement: Input was gathered from a wide spectrum of stakeholders through the following means: prior and ongoing reviews of needs, an initial collaborative system visioning and planning session with multiple stakeholders. There was an HR/IT steering team, strong support from IT and from the MAPS Steering Team, ongoing involvement of different client groups in testing, … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)"
16 avril 2005
Business Process Committee
The Business Process Committee includes representation from Senior Management, financial administration, information technology, student services, human resources, academic, customized training and internal audit. The Committee invites College leaders to many of its biweekly meetings (e.g. Registrar, Director of Human Resources, Director of Admissions, etc). The College’s Senior Leadership Team receives periodic status reports. The format … Continue reading "Business Process Committee"
16 avril 2005
Faculty of Medicine, Curriculum Information System
The Faculty invested in forming a representative committee of the best Faculty leadership, the best researchers, the best students, and the best business consultation. This group worked with the community constantly for an entire year prior to bringing on delivery resources to qualify the potential value CIS could bring, and its strategic business objectives. Delivery … Continue reading "Faculty of Medicine, Curriculum Information System"
16 avril 2004
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