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Found 41 Results

CORe Optimation of Lab Research Environment

Energy savings by reducing the ventilation rates measured in air change per hour (ACH) from the current level to 2 ACH, when the environment is sensed to be clean. Universities initiate discoveries and develop minds as their primary mission. A recent Harvard School of Public Health research paper indicated up to a 288% increase in … Continue reading "CORe Optimation of Lab Research Environment"

June 29, 2020

Transformation of Environmental Health & Safety Management Systems

The Dalhousie University Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Office has been strategically restructured aligning program managers with key University risks including; biological, chemical, radiation, fire, and farm safety. These program managers provide expert guidance and oversight to the university and work as a team to accomplish aggressive goals utilizing collaborations with Faculty, Staff and students. … Continue reading "Transformation of Environmental Health & Safety Management Systems"

June 10, 2019

Ryerson University Departmental Safety Officer Program

In its continuing effort to embed safety into the culture and operation of every academic and non-academic unit on campus, Ryerson University’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department implemented a university-wide system of Departmental Safety Officers (DSOs) and Departmental Safety Committees (DSCs). This innovative program is distinctive in three primary ways: 1) while a handful … Continue reading "Ryerson University Departmental Safety Officer Program"

June 10, 2019

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