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Found 516 Results

Implementing a Quality Management System in a Post-Secondary Institution

Since accomplishing ISO registration, the evolution of the institution is apparent. The most evident of changes is in the clarity of roles and responsibilities amongst staff; an enhanced reputation of DELT amongst other Canadian distance delivery providers; and, DELT’s recognized quality standard of service as acknowledged by several national awards in course development, technology adoption … Continue reading "Implementing a Quality Management System in a Post-Secondary Institution"

April 16, 2009

VRE: Open Source Research Environment

The VRE represents nothing less than a fundamental transformation of the mission of the academic library and will remain a critical component of the core services of the Robertson Library. Academic libraries are facing a juggernaut of change, whether from big deal licensing or large-scale digitization projects such as Google Books, and the more innovative … Continue reading "VRE: Open Source Research Environment"

April 16, 2009

Mcmaster University enhances health of employees through workplace wellness initiatives

McMaster has implemented a comprehensive health promotion program, which research has shown will increase corporate productivity, boost employee morale, enhance job satisfaction, reduce turnover, decrease absences related to illness, improve employee engagement, and decrease spending in health care dollars. McMaster’s approach to workplace wellness incorporates a range of health programs geared towards meeting the University’s … Continue reading "Mcmaster University enhances health of employees through workplace wellness initiatives"

April 16, 2009

IT Service Catalogue in a web-accessable Knowledge Base

McGill IT depmtments transitioned to a one-stop shop for consumers of IT services. The workflow and partnerships developed to make that transition have made pennallenl changes in the relationships within and among IT departments, as well as between IT service providers and consumers. As the IT Service Catalogue is gaining visibility, it is cited with … Continue reading "IT Service Catalogue in a web-accessable Knowledge Base"

April 16, 2009

A University-Wide Approach to Improving Accessibility at UPEI

The work and processes of the Access-Ability Committee have had a major influence on the culture of UPEI. Both the awareness workshops/sessions and the improvements in the physical campus have greatly influenced the campus culture. The Campus’ enhanced physical beauty and warm acceptance of people is impacting UPEI’s image both internally and externally. In Dec. … Continue reading "A University-Wide Approach to Improving Accessibility at UPEI"

April 16, 2009

reSearcher software suite

Through the COPPUL and ELN library consortia, academic libraries and other stakeholders have been actively involved in the reSearcher project from the outset. The impetus for this project came from the realization that many Canadian academic libraries were facing the same challenges with respect to locating and managing information resources. The group agreed that by … Continue reading "reSearcher software suite"

April 16, 2008

WebFX iXone – Macintosh plus WindowsXP and Linux Desktop Environments

The new WebFX iXone environment was presented to a small number of faculty members who were known Macintosh supporters. They asked that a further presentation be made to the general faculty and they offered to extend the invitation to their faculty colleagues. That second presentation occurred a few days later and received enthusiastic support. One-on-one … Continue reading "WebFX iXone – Macintosh plus WindowsXP and Linux Desktop Environments"

April 16, 2008

Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions

Stakeholder involvement was an integral part of the planning and implementation of this large and complex project. In the fall of 2007 the project team consulted with deans and others in the eight Faculties and with four university-wide management groups (Administration Executive Group, President’s Executive Committee, Managers and Supervisors Group and the Senior Management Group). … Continue reading "Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions"

April 16, 2008

New Staff and Faculty Orientation Program

This project was developed by the Human Resources Department in consultation with the Provost’s office. This ensured full support from the Provost which in turn has ensured both faculty and staff attend these sessions. Senior managers from several areas were involved in creating the presentations and participate in the delivery of the Orientation Program. This … Continue reading "New Staff and Faculty Orientation Program"

April 16, 2008

Focusing the Risk Management Program

The advances in our risk management program have been achieved only through extensive consultation with our faculties and services. We have regular meetings with our researchers, academics, and operational staffs. These meetings have served to transfer specific knowledge and training on risk management to the front line users, but also to keep the Office of … Continue reading "Focusing the Risk Management Program"

April 16, 2008

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