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Recycle Purchasing – UBC Supply Management

The primary stakeholders of this project are the Supply Management procurement teams and their colleagues in the University’s accounting functions. Once the LaserFiche Team software was purchased, employees were involved in implementation planning and information updates through regular staff meetings where a proposed structure for the make up of the files was reviewed and amended … Continue reading "Recycle Purchasing – UBC Supply Management"

April 16, 2005

Meeting the Fiscal Challenge: The Achievements of the University of Alberta in Cost Containment and Revenue Enhancement

The entire university community had the opportunity to participate in this exercise, as well as individuals outside the university through the expert panel process. The Funding Solutions Task Force met with representatives of every portfolio as well as representatives from both the staff and student associations. Mechanisms were also put in place through the Faculties … Continue reading "Meeting the Fiscal Challenge: The Achievements of the University of Alberta in Cost Containment and Revenue Enhancement"

April 16, 2004

Implementing Bar Code Package Tracking in a Centralized Materials Management Environment

Materials Management and the supplier handled the initial development and implementation. The planning involved a complete process analysis of business activities to ensure all pertinent information was considered before implementation. The main stakeholder involved was the Information Technology Department. They provided expertise on populating databases so the Package Tracking System could query pertinent information for … Continue reading "Implementing Bar Code Package Tracking in a Centralized Materials Management Environment"

April 16, 2004

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