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Winning Strategies For Managing Medical Leaves – A plan sponsor’s approach to absenteeism and managing medical absences

Managing absenteeism successfully in an era of limited resources and growing work demands necessitated a change in the Human Resources philosophy and organizational culture of StFX University. This presentation outlines the practices being used to support employees requiring medical absences. In strengthening vendor partnerships, promoting utilization of the Employee’s Assistance Program and early support of … Continue reading "Winning Strategies For Managing Medical Leaves – A plan sponsor’s approach to absenteeism and managing medical absences"

April 16, 2015

Thrive Building Positive Mental Health for all at UBC

At the UBC we recognize the need to support mental health across the campus community and the country. Traditionally, universities have focused solely on student mental health; without the inclusion of staff and faculty. At UBC, we are creating an environment that focuses on positive mental health for all members of campus. That is why … Continue reading "Thrive Building Positive Mental Health for all at UBC"

April 16, 2015

University Manager 2012 Summer

State of Mind – Addressing Mental Health Issues on University Campuses | Student Housing Workshop: A Thought Provoking Discussion | Effective Implementation of IT Governance – From Top to Bottom

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September 17, 2012

Mcmaster University enhances health of employees through workplace wellness initiatives

McMaster has implemented a comprehensive health promotion program, which research has shown will increase corporate productivity, boost employee morale, enhance job satisfaction, reduce turnover, decrease absences related to illness, improve employee engagement, and decrease spending in health care dollars. McMaster’s approach to workplace wellness incorporates a range of health programs geared towards meeting the University’s … Continue reading "Mcmaster University enhances health of employees through workplace wellness initiatives"

April 16, 2009

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