Ajout d’un profil sur la Place du marché
L’ACPAU met à la disposition de ses établissements membres, ainsi que de ses membres corporatifs, un site Web intitulé Place du marché, lequel contient le profil de chacun des membres corporatifs.
La Place du marché permet à votre entreprise d’être visible auprès des milliers de gens qui visitent le site Web de l’ACPAU chaque année. Vous êtes membre, mais vous n’avez toujours pas votre page sur la Place du marché? Nous vous invitons à composer un profil de 250 mots sur votre entreprise et à y inclure les renseignements suivants :
• une personne-ressource disponible pour les membres de l’ACPAU (nom, titre, adresse postale, numéros de téléphone et de télécopieur, et adresse courriel);
• une version couleur du logo de votre entreprise (idéalement en format JPEG et d’un maximum de 2 Mo);
• une description générale de votre entreprise;
• une description de l’implication de votre entreprise dans le milieu de l’enseignement supérieur;
• une brève description de vos produits et services utiles au marché de l’enseignement supérieur.
Veuillez considérer votre profil comme une présentation professionnelle et non une publicité; c’est d’ailleurs pour cette raison que nous vous demandons d’écrire à la troisième personne. Le personnel de l’ACPAU révisera votre texte pour assurer l’uniformité du style et du format.
Vous pouvez envoyer votre profil à Tamara Nemchin, directrice associée, développement des affaires, à l’adresse tnemchin@acpau.ca.
Voici une liste des membres corporatifs de l’ACPAU. Cliquez sur chacun des liens pour voir un court profil des organisations ainsi que des produits et services qu’elles offrent au milieu de l’enseignement supérieur.

Addenda Capital
Personne-ressource :
Josée Yelle
Vice-présidente, Expérience client
Stratégie marketing et communications
Adresse :
800, boul. René-Lévesque Ouest - Room 2750
Montréal, QC H3B 1X9
Téléphone : 514-287-7373
Télécopieur : 514-287-7200
Courriel : j.yelle@addenda-capital.com -
AMJ Campbell
Personne-ressource : David Dixon
Vice President of Corporate Sales
Adresse :
6140 Vipond Drive,
Mississauga, ON L5T 2B2
Mobile : 647-286-3649
Courriel : ddixon@amjcampbell.com
AMJ Campbell International
Personne-ressource :
Christina McCarte
Adresse :
6140 Vipond Drive,
Mississauga, ON L5T 2B2
CANADAMobile : 416-896-2305
Courriel : cmccarte@amjcampbell.com
www.amjcampbell.com -
ARAMARK Higher Education
Personne-ressource : Monsieur Rob McNern, VP Growth - Higher Education
Adresse :
Suite 200
5150 Spectrum Way
MISSISSAUGA ON L4W 5G2Telephone : (416) 919-2273
Courriel : mcnern-rob@aramark.ca
ARAMARK Canada Ltd., is Canada’s largest management provider, offering services including: food services, vending services, office services and plant operations and maintenance. We are proud to provide campus services to more than 350,000 University and College students, in 19 Universities and 21 Colleges across the country today.
We provide more than just services, we provide solutions. We understand that every school’s needs are unique, and we work with our clients to develop the solutions that best meet the needs of their students, faculty and staff. We offer innovative thinking, flexibility and an ability to work in a genuine partnership that will improve the quality of their services, while achieving significant cost savings. Exciting innovation… Uncompromising quality… Greater cost efficiencies… that’s what ARAMARK can help our clients deliver.
Armstrong Fluid Technology
Personne-ressource : Mr. Paul Scarafile
Director, Canada Sale
Adresse :
Armstrong Fluid Technology
23 Bertrand Avenue
Toronto, ON, M1L 2P3
Telephone : (647) 794-4058
Courriel : pscarafile@armstrongfluidtechnology.com
www.armstrongfluidtechnology.com/ -
Armstrong Moving Ltd.
Personne-ressource : Stephen Gray
Director, National AccountsAdresse :
630 Secretariat Court
Mississauga, ON L5S 2A5
CANADATelephone : 905-795-6783
Télécopieur : 416-986-9606
Courriel : steve@armmove.com -
Avis Budget Group
Personne-ressource : Mr. Raffi Nakhoul
Head of Corporate Sales and Partnerships Canada
Adresse :
Avis Budget Group
850, Jean-Paul Laframboise
Dorval QC H9P 0A7
Telephone : (514) 633-7405
Mobile : (514) 262-2672
Courriel : Raffi.nakhoul@avisbudget.com
www.avisbudget.com -
Best Service Pros
Contact: Mr. Jim Southall, Sales and Marketing Manager
5594 Fraser Street
Vancouver BC V6Z 2Z4
CANADATel: 604-347-7455
Email: jsouthall@best.ca
www.best.caBEST Service Pros is a Canadian owned and operated, leading commercial cleaning company headquartered in Vancouver. We specialize in providing integrated green custodial services to educational, retail, convention, government, and large commercial buildings across Western Canada. Customer service is our core commitment and we design, manage, and deliver customized, sustainable facility maintenance solutions to ensure this. Founded in 1956, we have expertise in high traffic public facilities providing high quality cleaning, scheduling and planning, supervision, attention to detail, responsiveness, and quality management services to a select group of clients.
Gestion d’actifs Burgundy Ltée
Personne-ressource : Monsieur Mike Sandrasagra
Vice-présidente et chef du groupe relations institutionnelles canadiennes
Adresse :
181 Bay Street, Suite 4510
Bay Wellington Tower, Brookfield Place
Telephone : (416) 869-8980
Télécopieur : (416) 869-1700
Courriel : msandrasagra@burgundyasset.com
www.gestionburgundy.comFondée en 1990, Gestion d’actifs Burgundy Ltée (« Burgundy ») est un gestionnaire de placements qui offre ses services à des régimes de retraite, des fonds de dotation, des fondations et à des clients privés. La société a également le privilège d’offrir ses services à des universités et des collèges de prestige, tant au Canada qu’aux États-Unis. La collaboration de Burgundy avec des universités et des collèges remonte à 1999, et grâce à ces relations de longue date, elle est en mesure de comprendre leurs besoins particuliers évolutifs en matière de placements, et d’y répondre.
Burgundy est entièrement indépendante, elle appartient à ses employés et est résolue à demeurer une société privée. Cette structure privée favorise la stabilité, ce qui permet à la société d’attirer et de retenir des professionnels très talentueux. Plus importants encore, les employés de Burgundy investissent leurs propres actifs conjointement avec ceux de ses clients, de sorte que leurs intérêts concordent parfaitement.
La philosophie de placement de la société est fondée sur le principe que la préservation du capital constitue un élément clé afin de générer de solides rendements absolus à long terme. Burgundy s’en tient à une approche rigoureuse des placements axés sur la valeur et la sélection de sociétés de qualité; elle priorise la valeur de sa recherche indépendante ascendante et de son approche fondamentale dans l’évaluation des sociétés. L’approche de la société en matière de recherche est complétée par de nombreux déplacements à l’échelle mondiale : les équipes de placement de Burgundy effectuent plus de 500 visites d’entreprise par année.
Burgundy offre un large éventail de produits qui répondent aux divers besoins des universités et des collèges. La société a acquis une vaste expérience à l’échelle internationale, et dispose de ressources à travers le monde, qui soutiennent toutes ses stratégies de placement. Burgundy investit en Asie depuis 1998, et en Europe, depuis 2000; elle gère des stratégies canadiennes, américaines, internationale et mondiale, ainsi que des stratégies à revenu fixe.
Campus Living Centres
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Brian Freeman
Senior Vice President
Adresse :
214 – 5405 Eglinton Avenue W.
Téléphone : (416) 738-5998
Télécopieur : (416) 620-9526
Courriel : bfreeman@campuslivingcentres.com
Achieving financial performance in Canadian student housingCampus Living Centres is the largest owner and operator of student housing in Canada with the knowledge and experience to build, finance and manage residences that improve service delivery, reduce costs and maximize revenue.
Canadian Campus Communities
Personne-ressource :
Ms. Melinda Farmer
Regional Vice President, Management Services
Adresse :
12700 Hill Country Blvd., T-200
Austin, TX 78738
Téléphone : (512) 743-3329
Courriel : mfarmer@americancampus.com
www.canadiancampus.caCanadian Campus Communities (CCC), is a subsidiary of American Campus Communities (ACC), North America’s largest developer, owner, and manager of high-quality student housing communities. Today, CCC/ACC manages 189 student communities, totaling more than 122,200 beds. Our experience includes all types of modern facilities: residential, living-learning, apartment style, off- campus, undergraduate, and graduate communities. Services include design consultation, management services (including facilities), market analysis, and housing master planning.
Centurion Asset Management Inc.
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Lucian Ionescu
Executive Vice President, Residential OperationsAdresse :
Suite 710
25 Sheppard Ave West
Téléphone : (416) 733-5600 Ext. 354
Télécopieur : (416) 733-5602
Courriel : lionescu@centurion.ca
www.centurionreit.comBased in Toronto, Centurion Asset Management Inc. is a Canadian company that offers a growing portfolio of private real estate investment products, mortgage financing and apartment/ student housing property management. Centurion is a single source solution for University endowment and pension fund investment requirements and student housing financial strategic needs.
Adresse :
Scotia Plaza, 100 Yonge Street, 15th floor
Toronto Ontario M5C 2W1
CANADANuméro sans frais : 1-800-356-0596
Courriel : Canadaedu@convera.com
https://www.convera.com/en-ca/industries/educationConvera is a leader in education payments, trusted by more than 700 institutions, including 8 of the top 10 ranked universities globally. As the largest non-bank B2B cross-border payments company in the world, we leverage decades of industry expertise and technology-led payment solutions to manage the global transactions of our education institution customers by taking away the complexities of sending and receiving payments.
Create easy payment solutions for both students and education institutions alike. Whether you are reconciling student tuition payments, paying staff overseas or issuing US student loans, Convera helps you capture more value with every transaction.
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Mark DiNello
Partner – Higher Education Practice Leader
Adresse :
Bay Adelaide East, 8 Adelaide Street West, Suite 200
Toronto, ON, M5H 0A9Téléphone : (416) 627-1440
Courriel : mdinello@deloitte.ca
Company Profile
Deloitte is Canada's largest professional services firm, providing a full range of consulting, assurance and advisory, financial advisory, risk advisory, and IT services to thousands of clients in all sectors of the Canadian economy through more than 12,000 people in more than 20 locations across the country, and over 312,000 people in 150 countries worldwide.
At Deloitte, Higher Education is a key industry for our firm with more than 500 professionals across Canada and the United States working with universities, colleges, and polytechnics. We are proud of our proven track record for producing results and our reputation for client satisfaction. We have achieved this success by focusing on partnering with our clients to understand their businesses and their critical success factors, and bringing the best resources (people, methodologies and tools) to develop solutions to our clients’ most critical issues. So, when people ask, “what’s different about Deloitte?”, every example we think of is where we have helped our clients achieve remarkable goals, solve complex problems or make meaningful progress. It is in the beliefs, behaviors, and fundamental sense of purpose that underpin all that we do.
Deloitte’s Higher Education Services
Our Higher Education Practice offers a broad range of services to help institutions solve complex business challenges and drive transformation. This includes strategy, consulting, operational improvement, technology implementation, and human capital advisory. Deloitte's consultants work closely with institutions to develop innovative solutions and improve organizational performance.
Our Higher Education Practice also provides CampusCloud. CampusCloud is changing the way the higher education industry meets the needs of students and administrators with its suite of data driven accelerators and tools that facilitate better, more informed decisions and streamline the student experience. CampusCloud is a centralized hub for key higher education activities including student applications, financial aid, and strategic enrolment. Institutions can leverage the CampusCloud suite to transform their decision-making processes to help their students and staff succeed.
Learn more about the products that make up CampusCloud
Optimize the higher education experience with CampusCloud | Deloitte Canada -
Dixon Mitchell Investment Counsel
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Glen Rattray, CFA
Senior Investment Counsellor
Adresse :
Suite 1680, 1055 West Hastings St.
Vancouver, BC V6E 2E9
Téléphone : +1 604-669-3136
Toll Free : +1 888-340-3136
Courriel : glen@dixonmitchell.comDixon Mitchell Investment Counsel ("DM") is an investment management firm established in 2000, serving Canadian families, organizations, endowments, charities, pensions, and Indigenous communities. The firm's primary goal is to provide clients with focused investment management, ensuring alignment with clients' interests while keeping costs down. In other words, the firm was established to be a true steward of client wealth.
DM's approach centers on robust risk management, recognizing its crucial role in long-term investment success. For private and institutional clients, this involves identifying risks and opportunities over three broad timeframes: today, tomorrow, and beyond, and creating an investment strategy based on unique needs and circumstances. At the portfolio level, this means allocating capital across fixed income and equity asset classes to offset known and unforeseen cash flow needs and regularly consulting with each client to ensure the structure remains appropriate. At the security level, DM employs diversification across industry sectors and conducts in-depth research into each holding, including updating financial models and engaging with company management.
In commitment to education, DM invests resources in initiatives like the Dixon Mitchell Indigenous Student Award, granting over $100,000 in scholarships, and partners with organizations like Big Brothers of Greater Vancouver and Big Sisters of Lower Mainland. They offer a range of services tailored to the diverse needs of universities and colleges.
Headquartered in Vancouver with a secondary office in Calgary, DM is entirely owned by its active and retired employees.
Eckler ltée
Contact: Jeff Turnbull, FCIA, FSA Principal
5140 Yonge Street, Suite 1700
Toronto ON M2N 6L7Tel: (416) 492-3330
E-mail: info@eckler.ca
www.eckler.caEstablished in 1927, Eckler Ltd. is one of the longest-established and most respected consulting and actuarial practices in Canada. We have evolved from a strictly actuarial firm to a fully integrated consulting practice.
We have served as actuaries, plan administrators, investment consultants, group benefits experts, and communication professionals for educational institutions and its stakeholders from coast to coast.
The education sector, and those who work in it, play a vital role in shaping Canada’s social and economic landscape. As the trusted consulting partner for universities, colleges, faculty and staff, we have gained unique insights into the challenges and opportunities for this important sector. We have the expertise to manage both people and benefit plan risks with targeted solutions that meet current and emerging objectives. And it’s not just about what we do. It’s about who we are, and how we work with you – not just for you.
Our client experience is supported by consistent delivery on our promises, and a collaborative approach that enables creative solutions and more informed decisions. Every day, with every engagement, we make the complex understandable.
To learn more visit eckler.ca.
Ernst & Young
Personne-ressource :
Diana M. Brouwer, Partner
Adresse :
P.O. Box 1, EY Tower
100 Adelaide Street West
Téléphone : (416) 943-7177
Télécopieur : (416) 943-2877
Courriel : diana.m.brouwer@ca.ey.com
www.ey.com/CA/en/Home -
Personne-ressource :
Amy Sabiston, Relationship Management Lead, Canada
Adresse :
2 Meadows Avenue
Waubaushene, Ontario L0K 2C0
Téléphone : 705.791.5437
Courriel : Amy.Sabiston@flywire.com
A general description of your company
Flywire is a global payments enablement and software company, on a mission to deliver the world’s most important and complex payments. We use our Flywire Advantage - the combination of our next-gen payments platform, proprietary payment network and vertical specific software, to help our clients get paid, and help their customers pay with ease, no matter where they are in the world.
A description of the company’s involvement in higher education
From convenient payment methods to flexible payment plans, Flywire makes it easy for institutions to receive and reconcile payments from students across the globe. Today, we’ve digitized payments for more than 2,250 global clients across education, healthcare, travel & B2B, processing over $7.5B annually, covering more than 240 countries and territories and supporting over 130 currencies. Flywire brings it all together to help you to do more with less to attract, engage and retain students worldwide.
A brief description of products and services that are of interest to the higher education market
Flywire’s world-class comprehensive receivables solution is the trusted choice that helps institutions efficiently improve the student experience to make the billing, payment, and collections process faster, easier, and more secure.
Backed by Flywire’s powerful global payment network, first-class security and 24x7 multilingual support, our education products bring innovative, automated technology to every step of your payment process: Education Payments, Payment Plans, A/R Collect and eStore. -
Franklin Templeton
Mr. Dennis Tew
Head of National Sales, Canada
200 King Street West, 14th Floor
Toronto, ON M5H 3T4Tel: 416-957-6000
E-mail: dennis.tew@franklintempleton.ca
www.franklintempleton.caFranklin Templeton is dedicated to one goal: delivering exceptional asset management for our clients. By combining multiple, world-class investment teams in a single firm, we’re able to offer specialized expertise across styles and asset classes, all supported by the strength and resources of one of the world’s largest asset managers.
At the core are our multiple independent investment teams—each with a focused area of expertise—from traditional to alternative strategies and multi-asset solutions. Across the firm, our portfolio teams share a commitment to excellence grounded in rigorous, fundamental research and robust, disciplined risk management.
Investing today demands a global perspective. We pioneered global investing more than 70 years ago and our insights are built on decades of experience and shaped by the local expertise of over 1,300 investment professionals who work across the globe to spot smart investment ideas and potential risks firsthand.
Today, Franklin Templeton is a global leader in asset management serving individuals and institutions in over 160 countries. Since our founding in 1947, we’ve stayed focused on putting clients first and delivering relevant investment solutions, strong long-term results and reliable, personal service that have helped us to become a trusted partner to millions of investors worldwide.
Jarislowsky Fraser Ltd.
Personne-ressource :
Ms. Quyn Pham
Director of Marketing & Communications, Global Investment Management
Adresse :
20th Floor
1010 Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, QC H3A 2R7Téléphone :514-282-3554
Courriel : qpham@jflglobal.com
www.jflglobal.comJarislowsky, Fraser Limited is a registered portfolio management firm. Founded in 1955 as a research boutique, Jarislowsky Fraser today manages the portfolios of pension funds, foundations and endowments, corporations and individuals in Canada and internationally — representing more than CA$38 billion in assets under management.
Headquartered in Montreal, we have offices in Toronto, Calgary, Vancouver and New York.
Since May 1, 2018, Jarislowsky Fraser is a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Bank of Nova Scotia (“Scotiabank”) and operates as a distinct business division. Our investment management approach and decision-making process are independent from Scotiabank and its other asset management businesses. Jarislowsky Fraser has one wholly-owned subsidiary, Jarislowsky, Fraser USA, Inc.
Personne-ressource :
Ms. C.J. James
Adresse :
777 Dunsmuir Street
Vancouver, BC, V7Y 1K3
CANADATéléphone : 604-527-3635
Courriel : cjjames@kpmg.ca
With locations across Canada, KPMG employs more than 10,000 people and is home to a diverse workforce that inspires confidence, empowers change and drives innovation. KPMG in Canada’s Education practice delivers the latest insights, trends and resources to help support and inform your institution’s strategic objectives.
Guided by our core values of Integrity, Excellence, Courage, Together and For Better, we are committed to making a difference for our clients, our communities and our people. This commitment has KPMG consistently ranked one of Canada's top employers and one of the best places to work in the country.
We believe in the power of diversity and are passionate about creating a more inclusive and sustainable future for all. We have proudly aligned our impact strategy to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd.
Personne-ressource :
Ms. Catherine Heath, CFA
Vice President, Portfolio Manager
Adresse :
Suite 1500, 400 Burrard Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3A6
Téléphone : 604-602-8373
Télécopieur : 604-683-0323
Cellulaire : 604-808-8336
Courriel : catherineh@leithwheeler.com
Founded in 1982, Leith Wheeler Investment Counsel is one of Canada ’s largest independent money managers with approximately $20 billion under management for institutional, high net worth and direct clients. One hundred percent privately owned by its employees, the partnership has offices in Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto servicing clients across Canada.Leith Wheeler has been managing portfolios for universities and colleges for more than 20 years and our first higher education client remains a client to this day. Our disciplined value investment philosophy aligns well with the needs of Endowments and Foundations, preserving capital over the long term and providing growth, but without incurring too much risk. We understand the need to grow capital at a reasonably steady pace, to beat inflation and provide sustainable income to meet ever-increasing spending requirements.
Our investment philosophy is defined by our unwavering commitment to value investing, which is always supported by our own independent research and analysis. Leith Wheeler offers a variety of investment products that will meet the needs of universities and colleges. We manage assets in Canadian, US, International, Emerging Markets and Fixed Income strategies.
MFS Investment Management Canada Limited
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Darren Patrick, CFA
Managing Director, Institutional Relationship Management
Adresse :
1021 West Hastings Street, 9th Floor
Vancouver, BC V6E 0C3
Téléphone : 604-661-4648
Courriel : dpatrick@mfs.com
www.mfs.comMFS Investment Management serves investors in more than 30 countries through offices in nine major financial centres – Boston, Hong Kong, London, Mexico City, São Paulo, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo and Toronto. MFS employs a disciplined, consistent approach across our global investment platform guided by three core principles: integrated research, global collaboration and active risk management. We analyze investment opportunities across the world by integrating fundamental, quantitative, and credit perspectives. Our team and reward structure ensure collaboration across the organization. Actively managing risk is the responsibility of every member of the investment team and drives our decisions.
MFS offers an array of institutional strategies and vehicles including separate accounts and pooled funds. Our client base includes defined benefit and defined contribution/capital accumulation plans, endowments and foundations and sub-advisory relationships.
MFS' experienced defined contribution specialists understand the challenges posed by shifts in the capital markets and regulatory changes. We are committed to helping clients meet these challenges by providing long term focused investment strategies, flexible investment vehicles and perspectives on the retirement and financial markets.
Northern Trust Asset Management
Personne-ressource :
Mr. David Lester
Senior Vice-President, Institutional Investment Sales
Adresse :
1910-145 King Street West
CANADATéléphone : 416-775-2215
Courriel : dl01@ntrs.com
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Ray Desai
Senior Vice PresidentAdresse :
1910-145 King Street West
CANADATéléphone : 416-230-3180
Courriel : ray.desai@ntrs.com
Northern Trust Asset Management is a global investment manager that helps investors navigate changing market environments in efforts to realize their long-term objectives. Entrusted with to $1.1 trillion USD ($1.5 trillion CAD) in assets under management as of June 30, 2023, we understand that investing ultimately serves a greater purpose and believe investors should be compensated for the risks they take — in all market environments and any investment strategy. That’s why we combine robust capital markets research, expert portfolio construction and comprehensive risk management in an effort to craft innovative and efficient solutions that seek to deliver targeted investment outcomes. As engaged contributors to our communities, we consider it a great privilege to serve our investors and our communities with integrity, respect and transparency.
Northern Trust Asset Management is composed of Northern Trust Investments, Inc., Northern Trust Global Investments Limited, Northern Trust Fund Managers (Ireland) Limited, Northern Trust Global Investments Japan, K.K., NT Global Advisors, Inc., 50 South Capital Advisors, LLC,, Northern Trust Asset Management Australia Pty Ltd and investment personnel of The Northern Trust Company of Hong Kong Limited and The Northern Trust Company.
Northern Trust Corporation (Nasdaq: NTRS) is a leading provider of wealth management, asset servicing, asset management and banking to corporations, institutions, affluent families and individuals. Founded in Chicago in 1889, Northern Trust has a global presence with offices in 25 U.S. states and Washington, D.C., and across 22 locations in Canada, Europe, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. As of June 30, 2023, Northern Trust had assets under custody/administration of CAD$19.2 trillion, and assets under management of $1.1 trillion USD ($1.5 trillion CAD). For more than 130 years, Northern Trust has earned distinction as an industry leader for exceptional service, financial expertise, integrity and innovation. Visit us on northerntrust.com. Follow us on Twitter @NorthernTrust or Northern Trust Corporation on LinkedIn.
About Northern Trust -
PH&N Institutional
Personne-ressource :
Ms. Alison Sinclair Burns
Vice PresidentAdresse :
200 Burrard Street, 20th Floor
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N5
Téléphone : (604) 408-8321
Télécopieur : (604) 684-5120
Courriel : aburns@phn.com
https://institutional.phn.com -
Northleaf Capital Partners
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Todd Papau
Vice President
Adresse :
6th Floor, Box 120
79 Wellington Street West
Toronto, ON M5K 1N9
Téléphone : 647-789-6732
Télécopieur : 416-304-0195Courriel : todd.papau@northleafcapital.com
www.northleafcapital.com -
Precise ParkLink
Personne-ressource : Mr. Terry Faye
Account Executive, Sales Department
Adresse :
100 Floral Parkway
Téléphone : (416) 846-2189
Courriel : leads@precisebi.com
www.preciseparklink.com/For over 30 years, Precise ParkLink has been Canada’s trusted parking and mobility industry leader, deploying best-in-class parking management and technology solutions nationwide.
Each year Precise ParkLink provides services to millions of students on behalf of Canadian universities and colleges, including Durham College, Centennial College, Cape Breton University, University of Alberta, University of Toronto, Université de Sherbrooke, Carleton University, and more. These solutions are designed for the student mindset, guiding them through their journey with flexible solutions that meet their needs, making it more than about parking but about safe and easy journeys.
With cutting-edge technology, best-in-class management strategies and regional support offices, Precise ParkLink is fully equipped to provide the level of service educational institutions require to satisfy their day-to-day demands and exceed best-in-class standards.
Our goal is simple— providing you with the foundation to do more, achieve more, and be more.
Learn more about our university and college parking solutions.Follow Us!
Personne-ressource :
Ms. Gillian Gillespie
Senior Account Executive, Higher Education
Adresse :
Unit 1
603 Michigan Drive
Oakville, ON, Canada, L6L 0G2Téléphone : (877) 707-7755 ext. 4444
Courriel : ggillespie@questica.com
www.questica.comQuestica is the recognized leader in budget preparation and management software that enables data-driven budgeting and decision-making, while increasing data accuracy, saving time, and improving stakeholder trust. Colleges and universities across North America have opted for smarter planning, budgeting, management, transparency and sharing with our software solutions.
Questica Budget is an end-to-end, multi-user operating, capital and salary budgeting, performance measures and reporting solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing financial, HR and student information systems. Higher education institutions can conduct FTE and enrollment reporting, funding gap and revenue analysis, capital project planning and reserve analysis, and more. In addition, schools test plans by building revenue and activity-based models and unlimited what-if scenarios.
Questica OpenBook is data visualization tool allowing financial/other data to be shared using interactive maps, charts, tables and graphs.
Questica is a GTY Technology company (NASDAQ: GTYH).
Proteus, a HUB International Company
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Ryan Kuruliak
Sr. Vice President and Partner
Adresse :
303-250 Ferrand Drive
Toronto, ON M3C 3G8
Téléphone : (416) 421-3557 ext. 216
Télécopieur : (416) 421-1348
Courriel :rkuruliak@proteusperformance.com
Proteus was founded in 1994 to provide institutional asset owners with independent investment consulting and governance solutions. Our team consists of 17 experts with 200+ years of investment research and consulting experience. Our clients entrust us with more than $20 billion in assets, of which $4 billion originate from leading higher-education institutions across Canada. We have a reputation of building, evaluating, and managing successful governance and investment structures for pension plans, foundations and endowments.
Good governance and successful investing can significantly enhance scholarships, programming and finances of educational institutions while having a meaningful impact on today’s students and help ensure the institution can enhance the experience of future students in a sustainable fashion.
Website: http://www.proteusperformance.com/
Twitter: @ProteusConsults
LinkedIn: Proteus -
RP Investment Advisors
Personne-ressource :
Ann Rothwell Glazier
Principal, Co-Head of Client Portfolio Management
Adresse :
39 Hazelton Avenue
Toronto, ON, M5R 2E3
Téléphone : (647) 776-1777 x1652
Télécopieur : (647) 288-2002
Courriel : ann.glazier@rpia.ca
www.rpia.caRP Investment Advisors (“RPIA”) is an employee-owned alternative fixed-income asset manager based in Toronto that specializes in publicly traded global corporate bonds. We manage $5 billion across a number of absolute return and active fixed-income strategies for private clients, pensions, foundations and endowments and monitor fund capacity closely with a focus on generating risk-adjusted investment returns and preserving clients’ capital.
The firm was founded in 2009 by a group of partners who each have more than 20 years of international debt market experience. Our senior management team includes Andrew Pringle (Chairman), Michael Quinn (Chief Investment Officer) and Richard Pilosof (CEO), previously the Head of Global Fixed Income at RBC Capital Markets. Additionally, the firm has an Advisory Group including Chuck Winograd, former CEO of RBC Capital Markets. The firm has built a strong organizational infrastructure led by Dannielle Ullrich (CCO/COO) and William Moriarty (Chair, Risk Committee).
RPIA is focused on providing excellent service to our clients and, as significant investors in our funds, our interests are fully aligned with our clients. RP Investment Advisors (“RPIA”) is an employee-owned alternative fixed-income asset manager based in Toronto that specializes in publicly traded global corporate bonds. We manage $5 billion across a number of absolute return and active fixed-income strategies for private clients, pensions, foundations and endowments and monitor fund capacity closely with a focus on generating risk-adjusted investment returns and preserving clients’ capital.
The firm was founded in 2009 by a group of partners who each have more than 20 years of international debt market experience. Our senior management team includes Andrew Pringle (Chairman), Michael Quinn (Chief Investment Officer) and Richard Pilosof (CEO), previously the Head of Global Fixed Income at RBC Capital Markets. Additionally, the firm has an Advisory Group including Chuck Winograd, former CEO of RBC Capital Markets. The firm has built a strong organizational infrastructure led by Dannielle Ullrich (CCO/COO) and William Moriarty (Chair, Risk Committee).
RPIA is focused on providing excellent service to our clients and, as significant investors in our funds, our interests are fully aligned with our clients.
Russell Investments Canada Limited
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Chris Wright
Director, Institutional Sales
Adresse :
100 King Street West
Suite 5715
Toronto, ON M5X 1E4
Courriel : cwright@russellinvestments.com
www.russellinvestments.com/ca/institutionalFor over 35 years, Russell Investments Canada Limited has been providing pension plans and endowments with customized solutions for investment outsourcing (OCIO), transition management, overlay services and currency management.
Russell Investments is a global asset manager with a unique set of capabilities that we believe is essential to managing your total portfolio and to meeting your desired outcome. We believe the best way to reach your desired outcomes is with a multi-asset approach that combines asset allocation, capital markets insights, factor exposures, manager research and portfolio implementation.
The Scion Group LLC
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Mike Porritt, Ed.D.
Vice President - International, Advisory Services
Adresse :
Fifth Floor, 439 University Place
Toronto, ON, M5G 1Y8
CANADATéléphone : (647) 494-3220
Courriel : mporritt@thesciongroup.com
Since 1999, Scion has provided independent student housing advisory services to higher-education institutions, foundations and private-sector providers in over 170 campus markets in Canada and the United States, supporting more than $5.0 billion (CDN) of student housing development and renovation.From offices in Chicago, Irvine and Toronto, our experts combine decades of experience in virtually all aspects of the sector – residential life administration, real estate finance, program and asset management, plus practical knowledge from the acquisition, development and management of over 40,000 off campus student beds – allowing clients to benefit from our expertise in all phases of planning, implementing and operating student housing on and off campus.
SEI Institutional Group
Personne-ressource :
Dexton Blackstock, CFA
Managing DirectorAdresse :
130 King Street West
Suite 2810
P.O. Box 433
Toronto, ON M5X 1E3
CanadaTéléphone : 416.847.6399
Télécopieur : 416.777.9093
Courriel : DBlackstock@seic.comSEI’s Institutional Group is one of the first and largest global providers of outsourced investment management services. The company delivers integrated nonprofit, healthcare and retirement solutions to more than 480 institutional clients with $115 billion of asset under management. SEI’s solutions are designed to help clients meet financial objectives, reduce risk and fulfill their due diligence requirements through implemented strategies for the management of endowments, foundations, defined benefit plans, defined contribution plans and board-designated funds.
As an award-winning OCIO to 40 educational institutions, SEI brings more than two decades of experience to higher education investors seeking custom investment solutions for their unique needs. Partnering with CAUBO and other industry associations, along with our own primary research, keeps us current on the trends and issues affecting our clients while gaining a stronger understanding of their financial risks. Our mission is to become a key enabler of our clients’ success, making meaningful decisions on behalf of the portfolio to help them meet their goals.
SEI’s comprehensive OCIO solution includes strategic advice, investment management, risk management, reporting and investment committee education. SEI’s solution is designed to provide clients a better understanding of their financial risks, and fosters nimble decision making that supports your strategic plan and financial goals. Please visit us at https://seic.com/highered for more information.
Sodexo Campus Canada
Personne-ressource : Nancy Zuccarelli, Senior Vice President, Sales
Adresse :
Sodexo Canada Ltd.
5420 North Service Road
Suite 501
Burlington, ON L7L 6C7Téléphone : 905-632-8592
Courriel : nancy.zuccarelli@sodexo.com
ca.sodexo.comSodexo provides on-site service solutions, including Food & Hospitality Services, Facilities Management, Residence Management, Project Management, and Portfolio Strategy & Solutions, that increase student engagement, performance and academic achievement. By enhancing the quality of daily life of the entire campus community we strengthen the image and reputation of an institution to attract future cohorts while improving infrastructure and surpassing financial objectives.
Profile Description – Higher Education:
Imagine by Sodexo works with you to create nutritious, delicious food experiences and the safe, welcoming learning environments that inspire students to nurture their inner greatness each day. We aren’t an outsourced vendor; we are your partner in inspiring and engaging students to reach their full potential. Our teams become a part of your communities to create personalized student experiences, food options that fit every taste, and safe environments that enable each student to thrive.Description of products and services offered to the higher education market:
Inspire Students To Reach Their Potential - Every interaction is an opportunity for you to inspire students to do great things. Imagine by Sodexo makes everyday greatness possible with innovative and data-driven services, whether we are creating engaging educational experiences or immersive food offerings. We are your local Canadian team that’s intimately familiar with your learning community, but also leverages expansive global resources. Our offerings include:
Immersive, Innovative Food Experiences
Our food aims to engage and delight your community, build your reputation, and fit the unique lifestyles of both students and staff.Holistic Student Health & Well-Being
Services that focus on optimal health and wellness for your community, supporting their physical, mental and social needs.Facilities Management
We help create safe and healthy learning environments, so nothing stands in the way of student success.Campus & Home Convenience
Wholesome nutrition is the foundation for learning and growth. That’s why we ensure access to healthy food is quick and easy, even on the go.Events Support & Catering
Scalable services that create the best guest experience possible, whether a gala, conference or social gathering.Digital Engagement
Our advanced technologies deliver convenient, user-friendly options to enhance food ordering, customer service and communication. -
Sun Life Capital Management
Personne-ressource :
Catherine Jackman, CFA
Managing Director, Business Development
SLC Management
Adresse :
1 York Street, Suite 1100
Toronto, ON Canada M5J 0B6
Téléphone : 437-997-5539
Courriel : catherine.jackman@slcmanagement.com
SLC Management is a global institutional asset manager of Sun Life that offers institutional investors traditional, alternative and yield-oriented investment solutions across public and private fixed income markets, as well as global real estate equity and debt and infrastructure equity.
For more than 35 years1, we have been committed to helping post-secondary institutions optimize their asset allocation profile and meet their long-term income and capital appreciation objectives by leveraging our insights and deep capabilities in fixed income, alternatives and real assets through our specialty managers: SLC Fixed Income, BentallGreenOak, Crescent Capital Group and InfraRed Capital Partners, and Advisors Asset Management (AAM), the U.S. retail distribution arm of SLC Management.
As of June 30, 2023, SLC Management has assets under management of C$361 billion and AAM represents an additional approximately C$50 billion in assets under administration. For more information, visit www.slcmanagement.com.
1Information related to historical investment experience refers to the experience of the Sun Life group of companies and its affiliates.
Véronique Lauzière, FCIA, FSA, CFA
Directrice générale, Développement des affaires | Managing Director, Business Development SLC Management
1155 Metcalfe St, Montreal, QC, Canada H3B 2V6
veronique.lauziere@slcmanagement.com -
TD Asset Management
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Terence Sawchuk
Vice President, Relationship Management
Adresse :
161 Bay Street, 34th Floor
TD Canada Trust Tower
Toronto, ON M5J 2T2
CANADATéléphone : (416) 307-5869
Courriel : terence.sawchuk@tdam.com
www.tdam.com -
Telus Health
Personne-ressource :
Mr. Michael O'Connor
Investment Consultant, Investment & Risk
Adresse :
24th Floor, 25 York Street
Toronto, ON, M5J 2V5
Téléphone : 416-445-2700
Courriel : michael.oconnor@lifeworks.com -
Personne-ressource :
Adam Maheu
Account Executive
Adresse :
Suite 1030, 360 Albert Street
Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 7X7
Téléphone : 613-809-4486
Courriel : amaheu@tiree.caTiree is a seasoned professional services firm with over 20 years of experience in providing advisory, project management, and security solutions for large and complex building and infrastructure projects. Our diverse team of over 300 professionals has successfully delivered over $50B in construction across Canada, and internationally, ensuring seamless execution at every project stage – from the very beginning to the very end.
Our Advisory Services practice provides leadership and expertise in managing real estate assets more responsively, effectively, and sustainably. We offer services such as Portfolio and Investment Planning, Project Leadership, Project Approvals, Transaction and Financial Advisory (AFD/P3), Asset Performance Management, and Risk and Change Management.
Our Project Management practice offers project leadership and support on a wide range of real estate and construction projects. Our experience covers projects ranging in size, scope, and complexity, having provided solutions for complex building and infrastructure projects, technology integrations, heritage restorations, and high-security initiatives.
Our Security & Smart Technologies expert team delivers physical security and intelligent technology solutions, combining in-depth industry knowledge with innovative processes to enhance organizational performance, operational efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. With a strong technical background in infrastructure systems design, our team ensures that solutions are not only compliant and financially responsible but also resilient and environmentally sustainable.
World Travel Protection
Personne-ressource :
Miller Sierra
Business Development Manager
Adresse :
1800 avenue McGill College, bur 1100
Montréal, Québec, H3A 3J6
Téléphone : 514-791-5462
Courriel : miller.sierra@wtp.cahttps://worldtravelprotection.com/
World Travel Protection is a leading provider of travel assistance services to business, education and leisure travellers around the world. With over 30 years of experience and a global network of medical and security experts, World Travel Protection offers comprehensive and customized solutions to meet the needs and expectations of its clients.
World Travel Protection has a strong involvement in higher education, keeping students, faculty and staff safe. World Travel Protection understands the unique challenges and risks that academic travellers face, such as health and safety issues, cultural differences, legal compliance and duty of care obligations. World Travel Protection helps academic institutions protect their travellers and fulfil their duty of care through its innovative travel risk management tools and 24/7 emergency assistance services.
World Travel Protection offers a range of products and services that are of interest to the higher education market, such as:
- Worldwide Medical & Travel Assistance: A 24/7 service that provides medical advice, referrals, coordination, evacuation and repatriation for travellers who experience a medical emergency or need health-related assistance while abroad.
- Worldwide Security Assistance: A 24/7 service that provides security advice, alerts, coordination and evacuation for travellers who encounter a security threat or crisis while abroad.
- Travel Risk Management Tools: A suite of online and mobile tools that help travellers and their organisations monitor and mitigate travel risks, such as pre-trip risk assessments, real-time risk alerts, travel tracking, incident reporting and crisis management.
World Travel Protection is committed to delivering high-quality travel assistance services that enhance the safety, health and well-being of academic travellers.
Xpera Risk Mitigation & Investigation
Personne-ressource :
Nicole Weir
Manager, Client Services
Adresse :
#202-8333 Eastlake Drive
Burnaby, BC, V5A 4W2
Téléphone : 604-517-4545
Courriel : nicole.weir@xpera.caXpera Risk Mitigation & Investigation (Xpera) is Canada’s most experienced provider of risk mitigation and investigation services. Dedication to clients and a commitment to performance has been the hallmark of Xpera’s success for almost 50 years. Xpera’s integrated divisions allow them to address client needs across the entire risk continuum. Hundreds of public sector and educational sector clients rely on Xpera.
Xpera HRservices’ ConfidenceLine is an ethics reporting hotline, that gives employees an anonymous and secure way to report unethical conduct including theft, fraud, bullying, and harassment. Employees can report wrongdoing 24/7 either by telephone or a direct web-based system. Both options are user-friendly and designed for immediate access. Xpera HRservices also offers screening services for criminal record checks, employment verifications, education verifications, reference interviews, and provides eConsent (a paperless background checks program).
In addition, Xpera offers the most knowledgeable investigators for workplace investigations involving harassment, violence, discrimination, code of conduct abuse, theft, fraud, or financial impropriety. Investigators provide impartiality, a keen understanding of the law, and sensitivity to all parties. Fair and objective findings stand up to any scrutiny and protect everyone’s interest.