Write an article for University Manager magazine and you could win $1,000!

Write for University Manager and you could win $1,000!

We’re looking for member-written articles for University Manager mgazine in 2015, and we’re willing to put our money where our mouth is. CAUBO and Kelman & Associates (the publisher of University Manager) are pleased to announce that any CAUBO member who submits an article to the magazine that is published in the next four issues will be eligible to win a $1,000 prize. A selection committee will review all submissions according to the following set of criteria and choose a winner annually:

1) Relevance and interest of the subject material to the University Manager readership
2) Use of appropriate resources to support or enhance the subject material
3) Overall quality of writing
4) Extent of development of the subject material’s objective or theme

We’re looking for articles on all topics of interest to university administrators, with a focus on success stories and best practices that could be of interest to your colleagues at other institutions. Feature-length articles (approximately 2,000 words) or shorter pieces (800-900 words) are both welcome.

All authors must submit an initial proposal for their article. Proposals should be sent to Nathalie Laporte, Executive Director, at nlaporte@caubo.ca, and should include the following:

  • Your name, position, institution, and contact information
  • Your article theme or objective
  • A list of resources with whom/which you will consult in the course of writing your article
  • A proposed timeline for completion (which allows us to determine which issue of the magazine your article might work for)
  • Proposed article length

University Manager, CAUBO’s flagship publication, is published 4 times per year. This library contains past issues dating back to 1992. Access the library by clicking on the year you would like to view.