CAUBO releases a new series of student and faculty FTE-based dashboards

CAUBO, through a continued partnership with the Université du Quebec, has developed a new series of financial dashboards that place a wealth of information at members’ fingertips. Many facets of university finances that were not previously accessible in a consistent and comparable manner can now be explored. To allow members to more accurately benchmark with their peers across the country, student and faculty FTE data have been incorporated into the dashboards.

These dashboards provide users with access to information such as faculty composition by field of study and by rank, student population by field of study, cycle, and status, as reported through Statistics Canada’s University and Colleges Academic Staff System (UCASS) and Post-Secondary Student Information System (PSIS) surveys. Users can also compare data to that of their peers relative to:

  • Research income by faculty
  • Provincial funding per student FTE
  • Teaching and administrative costs per student FTE
  • Student scholarships and bursaries on a per student FTE basis

The dashboards also allow users to customize their analysis through a number of filters in order to view institutions of the same size, with a similar mission or research intensity, or within their province.

A primer document has also been developed to provide guidance on how to determine appropriate comparators when using the dashboards, and to outline limitations inherent to the data, which need to be understood by users.

The FTE-based dashboards and primer are now available on the CAUBO website. A recorded webinar showcasing the information that can be garnered via the dashboards is available in the Knowledge Centre.

The dashboards will be fine-tuned over time, and updated data will be added as it becomes available. We welcome members’ feedback regarding additional data to include in future iterations or other suggested improvements.