Q & P – Application Procedures

Found a better way to do something? Tell us about it!
Submit your innovative idea or business improvement to the
CAUBO Quality & Productivity Awards!

Get your submissions in soon for the 2024 CAUBO Q&P Awards!
Deadline extended to December 8, 2023


The application form gathers general project information and provides an area to assess how your project meets the evaluation criteria.

The application must be signed by the senior administrative officer of the submitting institution.

Focus on the impact and innovation aspects, rather than the length of submission. The abstract must not exceed 350 words, and each question on criteria must be answered (maximum one paragraph)

Although not required, you may include a more complete description of the project and provide supporting material such as manuals, other documents, and website references to be considered. All supporting material must be submitted with the application.

Applicants should note that their full application and supporting documentation will be published on the CAUBO website in the Quality and Productivity Database, unless they are clearly marked as confidential. 


Up to five national prizes are awarded annually, each with a token cash award and plaque. Additionally, there are opportunities for Honourable Mentions (plaque only).

Prizes will be awarded by the Selection Committee based on merit. The Committee reserves the right to determine the number of awards granted. Awards winners will receive their prizes and plaques in time for a ceremony at the CAUBO Conference in June. Cash award will be determined annually based on the number of awards granted and the amount of sponsorship received.  Individual awards will range between $1,000 and $2,000.


Three areas are used to evaluate submissions for the Quality and Productivity Awards, leading to a maximum score of 100 points. The scoring factors and point values for each category are as follows:

35%      Transferability – the potential for use of the technique at other institutions as assessed by the institution or demonstrated by presentations to other institutions or at a regional or national level


35%      Innovation – the unique nature of the project or idea in the context of higher education. Although the idea may have been inspired by an initiative from another sector, institutions are encouraged to identify how they applied it to their environment


30 %      Quality and Productivity Impact  – the extent to which the project has contributed to an improvement in quality (e.g. improved services and/working conditions as perceived by staff, client/end user, community or others) and/or in improvements in effectiveness and efficiency, as measured against baseline data (e.g.: dollars saved relative to previous costs; number of transactions eliminated relative to baseline numbers, additional revenues relative to base revenues, extent to which a risk was mitigated, etc.).

The concept of your project must be replicable at other institutions. Clear documentation of how the project has been implemented and, where applicable, well-articulated evidence of the outcomes are also required.