Centre du savoir

Nous avons 21 résultats

Online Budget (Template) System

The initial implementation of the OBTS was intended to provide a familiar interface to the budget – albeit through an online web-application. This implementation was guided by the input received from Portfolio Managers and Envelope Managers over two years of implementing the traditional budget process, Comments received through last year’s training sessions (i e, two … Continue reading "Online Budget (Template) System"

16 avril 2008

Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth

Labour relations is a key part of this process of renewal. Prior to 2001, the relationship with NASA was adversarial, characterized by a lack of trust and respect. At that shop floor, there was no buyin to what the university was doing. University clients didn’t see the value of the service they were getting. Human … Continue reading "Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth"

16 avril 2008

Business Planning Applied to Campus Cleaning Services

Our challenge was to run an effective business planning process in a unionized environment in a university. One of the keys to our success was achieving the engagement of all stakeholders, the staff associations, staff, students, building occupants and management. Everyone had input. At the same time, the design of the consultation process ensured that … Continue reading "Business Planning Applied to Campus Cleaning Services"

16 avril 2007

Open-Plan Program

The University of Alberta has experienced dramatic growth in recent years. Efficient and responsible spending is critical. University Planners and Project Managers work collaboratively and consultatively with the campus community on all design initiatives, encouraging contemporary design and furniture standards All faculties and departments are involved in the development of the general and detailed space … Continue reading "Open-Plan Program"

16 avril 2007

Managing major construction projects on-time, on-budget and on-ethic ‰ÛÒ a holistic approach

The Construction Control Group has empowered the frontline stakeholders to do “the right thing” every time. The process has involved Board members, the President’s team, the executing departments – all the way through to the enthusiastic installation of faculty and students in the new facilities. The broad participation has created a sense of tangible personal … Continue reading "Managing major construction projects on-time, on-budget and on-ethic ‰ÛÒ a holistic approach"

16 avril 2007

Interactive Web-based Budgeting & Forcasting Toolset

The success of this initiative is due largely to the extensive consultation with stakeholders. A wide range of university community members at various levels were approached for input and feedback throughout the development of the instrument. The input/feedback was continuously integrated into the development, implementation and evaluation phases of the process. The initial year of … Continue reading "Interactive Web-based Budgeting & Forcasting Toolset"

16 avril 2006

Academic Equipment – Life Cycle Replacement Program

The development of the program required extensive assistance from ail levels within the University. Before the project was undertaken, significant meetings were held with key University personnel. The project was initiated with a campus wide inventory requiring the collaboration and support of faculty and staff members. The aim was to compile a complete itemized list … Continue reading "Academic Equipment – Life Cycle Replacement Program"

16 avril 2006

Assurance and Continuous Improvement through Operational Reviews

All stakeholders for each unit are considered in the reviews. Feedback from stakeholders includes staff, customers, executive management and the Board of Governors, strategic partners, local communities and external funding agencies. This feedback process pulls the real issues and opportunities to the forefront.   The framework outlines a process that is applicable to any post-secondary … Continue reading "Assurance and Continuous Improvement through Operational Reviews"

16 avril 2006

Staff Fitness Program

The McGill Staff Fitness Program is truly a McGill community team initiative that involves academic staff, administrative and support staff, the central administration, and students. The vision and concept for the McGill Staff Fitness Program were developed by three individuals: Kate Williams, former Director, University Relations, Jill Barker, Assistant Manager, Recreation and Fitness, Department of … Continue reading "Staff Fitness Program"

16 avril 2005

Benefits Driven Procurement Through Strategic Alliances!

The private sector model was used as the springboard to establish this program at UVic. Suppliers and Distributors are supported extensively by manufacturers through marketing support (funds), volume rebates, sponsorships based on sales volumes, product samples, contests, etc. It is common practice that the larger manufacturers and suppliers support their customers through their marketing resources … Continue reading "Benefits Driven Procurement Through Strategic Alliances!"

16 avril 2004

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