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ACPAU 2021 : Présentations du congrès

Cliquez sur les onglets ci-dessous pour télécharger les présentations disponibles du congrès. Recherchez-vous les séminaires sectoriels? Visitez la page des présentations des séminaires sectoriels de l’ACPAU 2021. Séances plénières MARDI 15 JUIN MERCRED 16 JUIN JEUDI 17 JUIN

Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , ,

30 juin 2021

Memorial’s New Employee Orientation Program

Recognizing the value of orienting new employees into the university’s culture early in their career, Memorial’s Department of Human Resources (HR) developed a comprehensive, multi-component approach to new employee orientation. Through a needs assessment that included focus groups, research and a review of best practices, HR designed an innovative, economically sustainable program that integrates face-to-face … Continue reading "Memorial’s New Employee Orientation Program"

16 avril 2015

Integrated Academic Program Information: Informing Decisions through Integrated Systems Data Intelligence

York University recently embarked on an institution wide program review (AAPR) that examined every administrative and academic program. A key requirement was the development of a comprehensive data set to support academic programs. York’s Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis designed and developed the data set under the direction of the AAPR data committee. The … Continue reading "Integrated Academic Program Information: Informing Decisions through Integrated Systems Data Intelligence"

16 avril 2015

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