Transition Care for students with Type 1 Diabetes
As a result of 200 volunteer hours the creation of collaborative practices between community-based organizations (St. Martha’s Regional Hospital, St Francis Xavier University, Diabetes Care Program of Nova Scotia, pharmaceutical companies, Human Nutrition Department at St. Francis Xavier University, and students with Diabetes) a pioneering model of care has been developed to ensure students receive … Continue reading "Transition Care for students with Type 1 Diabetes"
16 avril 2008
Comprehensive Outreach Advising for First-Year Students
The new approach to advising first-year students required collaboration between a number of units: Student Services Academic Advising (which led the initiative), the Registrar’s Office, the campus-wide Committee on Academic Advising. In addition, over 70 academic departments participated in the Academic Program Fair. The wide consultation involved has ensured broad support for the approach, and … Continue reading "Comprehensive Outreach Advising for First-Year Students"
16 avril 2008
Collaboration Aims for Universal Electronic CVs
The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at the University of Windsor was selected by the Dean of Graduate Studies to test eCV’s ability to electronically generate CVs for the Ontario Council for Graduate Studies (OCGS) program reviews from March through May 2007. The Faculty of Graduate Studies supplied the development team with templates … Continue reading "Collaboration Aims for Universal Electronic CVs"
16 avril 2008
Information Literacy Online: Interactive Tutorials for Research Skills
Tutorial content, design, media, and animation were developed through a close collaboration between librarians and computer science students employed by the former Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology (AITT). Funding for the project continues to be provided by a grant administered through the Acadia Student Resource Centre to create services and resources for students, with … Continue reading "Information Literacy Online: Interactive Tutorials for Research Skills"
16 avril 2008
Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions
Stakeholder involvement was an integral part of the planning and implementation of this large and complex project. In the fall of 2007 the project team consulted with deans and others in the eight Faculties and with four university-wide management groups (Administration Executive Group, President’s Executive Committee, Managers and Supervisors Group and the Senior Management Group). … Continue reading "Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions"
16 avril 2008
Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth
Labour relations is a key part of this process of renewal. Prior to 2001, the relationship with NASA was adversarial, characterized by a lack of trust and respect. At that shop floor, there was no buyin to what the university was doing. University clients didn’t see the value of the service they were getting. Human … Continue reading "Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth"
16 avril 2008
A Computerized Student Retention Analysis System; Engaging the University community in student success interventions through the sharing of information on enrolment analysis.
The first model of the system was developed about 3 years ago. Over the next 12-18 months the system was shown to many members of the user community. The aim was to demonstrate capabilities and to solicit user feedback. As a result, the system has gone through many iterations, each one incorporating the user feedback … Continue reading "A Computerized Student Retention Analysis System; Engaging the University community in student success interventions through the sharing of information on enrolment analysis."
16 avril 2007
Innovative Waste Management Program at Concordia University
Concordia’s waste management program has involved dozens of stakeholders directly involved or affected by the project: – Waste and recycling audits were conducted by the Environmental Coordinator and students obtaining class credits in exchange for their research, plus over twenty student volunteers who helped sort the waste. Custodial Services and Environmental Health and Safety were … Continue reading "Innovative Waste Management Program at Concordia University"
16 avril 2007
Tri-Council Compliance Project
Specific consultations were not conducted with the research community about this project. However, it is understood that researchers are the primary beneficiaries of improved administrative processes and increased understanding/awareness of Tri-Council guidelines. The effort expended on the administration of research activity has the greatest impact on Research Services and Financial Reporting. Due to the close … Continue reading "Tri-Council Compliance Project"
16 avril 2007
Every Third Building if Free: UBC Renew
From the initial conception, consensus building and stakeholder buy-in, especially with the academics, has been a priority for UBC Renew. A communications committee was created for this project to work with planners, implementers – including facility, operations management and the stakeholders – to ensure that there was (and is) a steady stream of two-way information … Continue reading "Every Third Building if Free: UBC Renew"
16 avril 2007
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