Transportation Demand Management Program
We sought input from our various community members and groups as well as from external transit carriers during all phases of the program. Care and attention to detail was taken as we planned and initiated changes to our transportation network. Our Campus Master Plan was updated and included a transportation component. Surveys were used to … Continue reading "Transportation Demand Management Program"
16 avril 2008
Finance Certification
Many departments on campus had requested data entry access but had been turned down due to weak internal controls and the lack of a central training program. The development of the Finance Certification program opened up access to the system, which has given many new departments the ability to take control of their financial processes. … Continue reading "Finance Certification"
16 avril 2008
Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance
Once we had developed the framework for inspection, we undertook a series of staff consultations. At these meetings, staff provided important input into the tasks that should be inspected and the weighting factors to be used. This collaborative process was essential to the development of an effective inspection program. Staff input changed the proposed program … Continue reading "Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance"
16 avril 2008
reSearcher software suite
Through the COPPUL and ELN library consortia, academic libraries and other stakeholders have been actively involved in the reSearcher project from the outset. The impetus for this project came from the realization that many Canadian academic libraries were facing the same challenges with respect to locating and managing information resources. The group agreed that by … Continue reading "reSearcher software suite"
16 avril 2008
University public relations initiative for fire safety on campus
The kiosk theme was a collaborative effort involving University of Toronto Fire Prevention Staff, Toronto Fire Services, and the graphic design studio. The premise was to show partnership in safety and convey a campus environment where students can feel safe. Several preliminary draft ideas were circulated to different stakeholder offices on campus (Student Affairs, Health … Continue reading "University public relations initiative for fire safety on campus"
16 avril 2008
NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project
The project mobilized a large interdisciplinary team of managers, staff and faculty committed to the successful and quick implementation. The governance provided leadership from the top with involvement of the Executive Management Group and the President appointing the VP Finance as project champion. Implementation teams, Team Leads Committee, and a Steering Committee pulled representation from … Continue reading "NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project"
16 avril 2008
Marketing Meal Plans Effectively in 2007
How were the community and /or the stakeholders involved in the development and implementation? Parents From the first day we were present at the parent’s tent. We informed parents on what their options were on campus, and received thousands of comments on what parents were looking for in a meal plan for their son or … Continue reading "Marketing Meal Plans Effectively in 2007"
16 avril 2008
Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth
Labour relations is a key part of this process of renewal. Prior to 2001, the relationship with NASA was adversarial, characterized by a lack of trust and respect. At that shop floor, there was no buyin to what the university was doing. University clients didn’t see the value of the service they were getting. Human … Continue reading "Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth"
16 avril 2008
The Paperless Office: Putting Students Online no In Line
While the technical development and implementation of SATS was accomplished by IT personnel, ail staff In the Office of the Registrar at U of T Mississauga played a major role in the project – presenting ideas, giving feedback, and helping to create the processes which would enhance student services. AH staff share a sense of … Continue reading "The Paperless Office: Putting Students Online no In Line"
16 avril 2007
A New Tuition Model for Graduate Students
Since the new tuition model was intended to lead to changes in thinking and behaviour on the part of students and faculty, it was essential to its success that we have wide-ranging support before its implementation. Discussions and consultations were held at several levels in the development of the new model (see enclosed “Tuition Proposal … Continue reading "A New Tuition Model for Graduate Students"
16 avril 2007
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