The University of Manitoba Physical Plant Training & Safety Program
Safety and health at the Physical Plant is an important issue for the more than 380 people who work in that unit A workers right to be informed (through on-the-job and more formalized training), and to participate are key. Ownership of the issue belongs to ail. That was proven by the success of a contest … Continue reading "The University of Manitoba Physical Plant Training & Safety Program"
16 avril 2006
Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Hazardous Waste Management Program
History In 1988, the province of Manitoba implemented the Environment Act. In response, the University formed the Hazardous Waste Management Advisory Committee, which was made up of representatives from users and advised on the program direction. The program evolved over time and with the availability of special funding, developed into today’s program. Environmental Safety Building … Continue reading "Development and Implementation of a Comprehensive Hazardous Waste Management Program"
16 avril 2006
Reengineering in the Office of the Registrar – The Student Activity Tracking System
While the technical development and implementation were accomplished by IT personnel, the overall planning of the system as a viable solution to improve our services was a collaborative effort. Representatives from each of the major units within the Office of the Registrar were heavily involved1 in the development of each module to ensure that each … Continue reading "Reengineering in the Office of the Registrar – The Student Activity Tracking System"
16 avril 2006
Fully Supported Faculty/Student Teaching and Learning Model
The fully supported faculty/student teaching and learning model is successful as a result of the involvement and commitment of institutional, internal and external stakeholders. Open Learning is a strategic direction of the University of Guelph. In addition, Open Learning seeks to incorporate the other four strategic directions adopted by the University of Guelph in 1995; … Continue reading "Fully Supported Faculty/Student Teaching and Learning Model"
16 avril 2006
PRIME (Program for Research and Investment Management Excellence)
The PRIME program has been a partnership between the local financial community, the School of Business and central administration from its inception. After agreement in principal was reached between the three groups, the concept was presented the University’s Board Investment Committee, where it received approval. The early success of the program resulted in a portion … Continue reading "PRIME (Program for Research and Investment Management Excellence)"
16 avril 2005
Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database
The following are departments or stakeholders that were involved in and contributed to the project: Department/Stakeholder Contribution to the project Vice-President Finance and Administration Project approval and financial support Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) Project planning, coordination and implementation. DOHS hygienist participated throughout the process (e.g., interviewing workers, grouping job positions etc.). Department … Continue reading "Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database"
16 avril 2005
Regionalization of Media Production Services
The willingness of senior administration to support a unique initiative designed to benefit public enterprise was crucial in building the business model. Management representatives from each institution participated in the initial architecture along with their various unions. Management representation is maintained locally at each institution to liaise with MPS as needed. Directly affected employees from … Continue reading "Regionalization of Media Production Services"
16 avril 2005
Business Process Committee
The Business Process Committee includes representation from Senior Management, financial administration, information technology, student services, human resources, academic, customized training and internal audit. The Committee invites College leaders to many of its biweekly meetings (e.g. Registrar, Director of Human Resources, Director of Admissions, etc). The College’s Senior Leadership Team receives periodic status reports. The format … Continue reading "Business Process Committee"
16 avril 2005
A Consolidated Billing and Payment Web Service for Students and Departments
The BPR project was the result of negative feedback about bill payment from students through surveys and counter questionnaires. We also heard from parents and staff that the old process of fee payment was time consuming and inconvenient. The BPR team consulted with students and staff during the initial redesign, and concluded that a single … Continue reading "A Consolidated Billing and Payment Web Service for Students and Departments"
16 avril 2004
Server and Service Account Management (SSAM) System
The implementation projects included system managers from central ITS and departments or colleges across campus, help desk staff, college based IT staff, and administrative application personnel. Colleges and departments using SSAM include:Commerce, Medicine, Pharmacy & Nutrition, Nursing, Dentistry, Arts & Science, Computer Science, Education, Kinesiology, Engineering, the Financial Services Division, Student and Enrolment Services, University … Continue reading "Server and Service Account Management (SSAM) System"
16 avril 2004
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