There are financial aspects to every department of an academic institution, and postsecondary organizations across Canada are facing increased pressure on their budgets and overall accountability. Yet in many cases, faculty and staff who are responsible for managing or administering budgets and money issues have little financial background, and they report not just a lack … Continue reading "RYERSON UNIVERSITY’S FINANCIAL SERVICES CERTIFICATE PROGRAM"
16 avril 2014
Finance Brown Bag Lunch Series
The project has greatly increased communication between Financial Services and the units. After networking in sessions and discussing issues pertinent to University financial practices, the dialogue between the two groups has increased and become more positive. A greater understanding how each group functions has led to more consideration when working together, resulting in more productive … Continue reading "Finance Brown Bag Lunch Series"
16 avril 2009
Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services
The UofC had a decentralized model in place for printing, graphic design and fax/copying. Project IMAGinE needed to be innovative with regard to existing labour, centralized services, ownership of technology, and student services. IMAGinE delivered on transforming our campus in the following ways: – Labour: using a blended model of Xerox employees. UofC employees that … Continue reading "Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services"
16 avril 2009
Finance Certification
Many departments on campus had requested data entry access but had been turned down due to weak internal controls and the lack of a central training program. The development of the Finance Certification program opened up access to the system, which has given many new departments the ability to take control of their financial processes. … Continue reading "Finance Certification"
16 avril 2008
Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance
Once we had developed the framework for inspection, we undertook a series of staff consultations. At these meetings, staff provided important input into the tasks that should be inspected and the weighting factors to be used. This collaborative process was essential to the development of an effective inspection program. Staff input changed the proposed program … Continue reading "Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance"
16 avril 2008
Automating external research reporting for Federal Agency and Canada Research Chair (CRC) Awards
McMaster’s project to automate annual research reporting to the Federal Agencies and CRC awards is portable in that it can be fairly easily replicated at any other institution. Depending on the source financial data, a data integration tool may or may not be required. The methodology followed in developing this system could be transferable to … Continue reading "Automating external research reporting for Federal Agency and Canada Research Chair (CRC) Awards"
16 avril 2008
NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project
The project mobilized a large interdisciplinary team of managers, staff and faculty committed to the successful and quick implementation. The governance provided leadership from the top with involvement of the Executive Management Group and the President appointing the VP Finance as project champion. Implementation teams, Team Leads Committee, and a Steering Committee pulled representation from … Continue reading "NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project"
16 avril 2008
A Computerized Student Retention Analysis System; Engaging the University community in student success interventions through the sharing of information on enrolment analysis.
The first model of the system was developed about 3 years ago. Over the next 12-18 months the system was shown to many members of the user community. The aim was to demonstrate capabilities and to solicit user feedback. As a result, the system has gone through many iterations, each one incorporating the user feedback … Continue reading "A Computerized Student Retention Analysis System; Engaging the University community in student success interventions through the sharing of information on enrolment analysis."
16 avril 2007
Tri-Council Compliance Project
Specific consultations were not conducted with the research community about this project. However, it is understood that researchers are the primary beneficiaries of improved administrative processes and increased understanding/awareness of Tri-Council guidelines. The effort expended on the administration of research activity has the greatest impact on Research Services and Financial Reporting. Due to the close … Continue reading "Tri-Council Compliance Project"
16 avril 2007
Interactive Web-based Budgeting & Forcasting Toolset
The success of this initiative is due largely to the extensive consultation with stakeholders. A wide range of university community members at various levels were approached for input and feedback throughout the development of the instrument. The input/feedback was continuously integrated into the development, implementation and evaluation phases of the process. The initial year of … Continue reading "Interactive Web-based Budgeting & Forcasting Toolset"
16 avril 2006
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