Centre du savoir

Nous avons 6 résultats

Changements climatiques

En raison de leur grande empreinte géographique, économique et environnementale, les établissements postsecondaires canadiens contribuent aux changements climatiques et sont exposés à plusieurs nouveaux risques environnementaux. C’est pourquoi ils ont un rôle déterminant à jouer pour atténuer les répercussions des changements climatiques et amorcer la transition vers une économie sobre en carbone par le truchement … Continue reading "Changements climatiques"

Étiquettes : , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

25 janvier 2022

Transforming Human Resources: A Holistic Approach to Service

Without increasing the complement of staff, Human Resources completely changed its approach to client service. From the physical environment in the reception area to the additional operating hours, a totally new culture has taken hold. Now, as a matter of course, staff go the extra mile for their clients. By moving away from specialists at … Continue reading "Transforming Human Resources: A Holistic Approach to Service"

16 avril 2010

Good Ideas Contest

The Good Ideas Contest resulted in the transformation of ideas into concrete changes at the University of Ottawa. Students benefited from the creation of a new orientation week at the starting of the winter semester; water and energy usage from restroom facilities were reduced; a Bike-Share Program was initiated to allow community members to use … Continue reading "Good Ideas Contest"

16 avril 2009

Concordia University’s innovative large-scale on-site composting system

Working towards sustainability involves mentality changes, and composting has long been seen as an obscure, low-tech and smelly way of dealing with waste. Concordia’s system is showing that composting can be successfully implemented in an urban setting, and it is our hope that this project will help to change the way our society perceives and … Continue reading "Concordia University’s innovative large-scale on-site composting system"

16 avril 2009

UM Re-Shop – A 4R’s (Rethink, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle) Initiative for Materials Management

The program has had a transformative effect on the institution because now departments are asked to consider donating their unwanted items to the re-shop before sending it to landfill or recycling. The design, implementation and ongoing success of the program relies on the awareness and cooperation of university departments. The success of the program has … Continue reading "UM Re-Shop – A 4R’s (Rethink, Reuse, Reduce and Recycle) Initiative for Materials Management"

16 avril 2009

Focused and Integrated Training Program (the FIT Program)

As previously stated, the 1st phases of the FIT program have just reached their first year anniversary, and the results of the evaluative study have yet to be analyzed as that research project is currently underway. It is therefore difficult to establish with any certainty clear effects or impact of the program. What is known, … Continue reading "Focused and Integrated Training Program (the FIT Program)"

16 avril 2009

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