Étiquettes : Financial Reporting, Gestion financière, Gestion universitaire, Gouvernance, Rapports financiers, Technologies de l'information
20 décembre 2022
Portraits financiers
Les universités canadiennes traversent une période de changement sans précédent. De fait, la baisse des subventions gouvernementales et le recours croissant aux droits de scolarité et aux autres sources de revenus transforment les modèles de financement universitaires. Parallèlement, les structures de dépenses ont changé en raison de l’évolution des attentes sociétales quant au rôle des … Continue reading "Portraits financiers"
Étiquettes : Analyse des données, Benchmarking, Data Analytics, Étalonnage, Financial Management, Financial Reporting, Gestion financière, Institutional Planning, Internationalisation, Internationalization, Planification institutionnelle, Planification stratégique, Rapports financiers
13 octobre 2021
Valorisation des données
L’ACPAU a produit une série de documents d’information dans le but de mettre en lumière les principales tendances financières liées aux universités. Cette série, intitulée « Valorisation des données », fournit une analyse concise, néanmoins basée sur des données probantes, à l’égard de certains des risques et des obstacles les plus pressants auxquels le secteur universitaire fait … Continue reading "Valorisation des données"
Étiquettes : Financial Management, Financial Reporting, Gestion financière, Institutional Planning, Internationalisation, Internationalization, Planification institutionnelle, Planification stratégique, Rapports financiers
14 janvier 2021
ACPAU 2019 : Présentations du congrès
Cliquez sur les onglets ci-dessous pour télécharger les présentations disponibles du congrès. Recherchez-vous les sessions de pré-congrès? Visitez la page des présentations du pré-congrès de l’ACPAU 2019. Séances plénières LUNDI 10 JUIN MARDI 11 JUIN
Étiquettes : 2019, Administration académique, Affectation des ressources, Analyse des données, Compensation, Data Analytics, Éthique, Fraude, Gestion, Gestion financière, Human Resources, La cybersécurité, Planification integrée, Pratiques exemplaires, Présentations, Rapports financiers, Rationalisation des processus, Resource Allocation, Taxes
9 juillet 2019
FIUC Report 2016-2017 (MS Access Database)
Étiquettes : Financial Reporting, Reports, Surveys
25 juillet 2018
Establishing Enterprise Project Governance at Queen’s through a Project Portfolio Office
The success of Queen’s five year $30+ Million PeopleSoft project depended on inclusive project governance, agreement on the scope and priorities, and advanced project management. After the project, there were dozens of enterprise-level projects still to be done, but with no governance processes for prioritizing, sequencing or funding them. Most were business initiatives with a … Continue reading "Establishing Enterprise Project Governance at Queen’s through a Project Portfolio Office"
16 avril 2015
Creation of PRODIGE, a project management software
Faced with the necessity to innovate and acquire a computerized project management system, a project team of nine employees from the various divisions of the UdeM’s Campus Property Management began analyzing construction project management activities in January 2012. The scope of the project extended well beyond a mere review process. Over the course of the … Continue reading "Creation of PRODIGE, a project management software"
16 avril 2015
A Realistic and Attainable Approach to Energy Efficiency and Capital Renewal at Carleton University
This application for a CAUBO Quality and Productivity Award outlines Carleton University’s contribution to quality, productivity and institutional innovation through their strategic approach to energy and sustainability with respect to new and existing buildings. Carleton’s Strategic Integrated Plan establishes sustainability as part of the mission of the institution. This has set the precedent for creating … Continue reading "A Realistic and Attainable Approach to Energy Efficiency and Capital Renewal at Carleton University"
16 avril 2015
“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach
McGill’s vision to implement “Satellite Procurement operations” started taking shape in 2009, with the goal to improve customer service and strengthen the impartiality of the procurement process. The model relies heavily on collaboration, building relationships and sharing functional knowledge while focusing on improving customer response time, process efficiencies and cost savings. A value driven and … Continue reading "“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach"
16 avril 2015
Integrated Academic Program Information: Informing Decisions through Integrated Systems Data Intelligence
York University recently embarked on an institution wide program review (AAPR) that examined every administrative and academic program. A key requirement was the development of a comprehensive data set to support academic programs. York’s Office of Institutional Planning and Analysis designed and developed the data set under the direction of the AAPR data committee. The … Continue reading "Integrated Academic Program Information: Informing Decisions through Integrated Systems Data Intelligence"
16 avril 2015
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