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Nous avons 13 résultats

Partenariat entre l’ACPAU et HR Metrics Service

L’ACPAU sait que ses membres ont besoin de données probantes pour appuyer la prise de décisions au sein de leurs établissements. Grâce à l’entente de partenariat que nous avons signée avec HR Metrics Service (HRMS), nous pouvons offrir à nos membres des services d’analyse comparative de haute qualité dans le domaine des ressources humaines. HRMS … Continue reading "Partenariat entre l’ACPAU et HR Metrics Service"

Étiquettes : , , , , , ,

16 février 2021

Tax Note – Honorariums and Payments to Indigenous Individuals

Tax Note - Honorariums and Payments to Indigenous Individuals

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13 mai 2020

Ressources associées au Guide d’administration financière des trois organismes subventionnaires

Transition vers le nouveau Guide d’administration financière des trois organismes subventionnaires En 2017, les trois organismes de recherche (IRSC, CRSNG et CRSH) ont lancé une initiative sur l’administration financière axée sur trois objectifs : Instaurer une approche plus souple d’administration et d’utilisation des fonds octroyés, ce qui a entraîné une refonte du Guide d’administration financière … Continue reading "Ressources associées au Guide d’administration financière des trois organismes subventionnaires"

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3 décembre 2019

ACPAU 2019 : Présentations du congrès

Cliquez sur les onglets ci-dessous pour télécharger les présentations disponibles du congrès. Recherchez-vous les sessions de pré-congrès? Visitez la page des présentations du pré-congrès de l’ACPAU 2019. Séances plénières LUNDI 10 JUIN MARDI 11 JUIN

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9 juillet 2019

Saying YES to Respect: Identifying, Preventing, Responding to, and Accessing Resources to deal with General Harassment and Violence‰Û–An interactive learning opportunity for Faculty & Staff at The University of Western Ontario

Yes! The awareness raised by these sessions has helped to emphasize Western’s expectations of and commitment to respectful behaviour in all interactions. An increased understanding of how to intervene effectively in situations of violence or threat of violence contributes directly to the safety of students, faculty, staff and visitors at Western. The “Violence Continuum Chart,” … Continue reading "Saying YES to Respect: Identifying, Preventing, Responding to, and Accessing Resources to deal with General Harassment and Violence‰Û–An interactive learning opportunity for Faculty & Staff at The University of Western Ontario"

16 avril 2009

Competencies Directory

As noted in previous sections, we have involved ail stakeholders, including the staff association, throughout the project and this strategy continues. Communication and participation, critical success factors, as outlined in the project extract and in the project originality features, have definitely been catalysts in affirming commitment from users at ail levels: – Principal and Vice-Principal … Continue reading "Competencies Directory"

16 avril 2006

UBC Custodial Services – Optimizing Quality and Productivity

Throughout the implementation of these initiatives there has been a continuous and constant flow of communication between staff, supervisors and managers. Feedback from staff has been instrumental in the selection of the types of products and equipment required. All products and equipment are brought in on a trial basis before final decisions are made to … Continue reading "UBC Custodial Services – Optimizing Quality and Productivity"

16 avril 2006

Staff Fitness Program

The McGill Staff Fitness Program is truly a McGill community team initiative that involves academic staff, administrative and support staff, the central administration, and students. The vision and concept for the McGill Staff Fitness Program were developed by three individuals: Kate Williams, former Director, University Relations, Jill Barker, Assistant Manager, Recreation and Fitness, Department of … Continue reading "Staff Fitness Program"

16 avril 2005

The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)

Involvement: Input was gathered from a wide spectrum of stakeholders through the following means: prior and ongoing reviews of needs, an initial collaborative system visioning and planning session with multiple stakeholders. There was an HR/IT steering team, strong support from IT and from the MAPS Steering Team, ongoing involvement of different client groups in testing, … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)"

16 avril 2005

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