Refocusing Course Material delivery at the Universty of Alberta Bookstore
The Bookstore Advisory Group was established in 2000. The group consists of the Vice-Provost (Learning Services), the Dean of Students, the Vice-President (Academic) Students’ Union, the Students’ Union General Manager, the Associate Vice-Provost Learning Services and the Director of the Bookstore. This group meets on a regular basis to address Bookstore performance and to assist … Continue reading "Refocusing Course Material delivery at the Universty of Alberta Bookstore"
April 16, 2008
University public relations initiative for fire safety on campus
The kiosk theme was a collaborative effort involving University of Toronto Fire Prevention Staff, Toronto Fire Services, and the graphic design studio. The premise was to show partnership in safety and convey a campus environment where students can feel safe. Several preliminary draft ideas were circulated to different stakeholder offices on campus (Student Affairs, Health … Continue reading "University public relations initiative for fire safety on campus"
April 16, 2008
Collaboration Aims for Universal Electronic CVs
The Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering at the University of Windsor was selected by the Dean of Graduate Studies to test eCV’s ability to electronically generate CVs for the Ontario Council for Graduate Studies (OCGS) program reviews from March through May 2007. The Faculty of Graduate Studies supplied the development team with templates … Continue reading "Collaboration Aims for Universal Electronic CVs"
April 16, 2008
Information Literacy Online: Interactive Tutorials for Research Skills
Tutorial content, design, media, and animation were developed through a close collaboration between librarians and computer science students employed by the former Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology (AITT). Funding for the project continues to be provided by a grant administered through the Acadia Student Resource Centre to create services and resources for students, with … Continue reading "Information Literacy Online: Interactive Tutorials for Research Skills"
April 16, 2008
WebFX iXone – Macintosh plus WindowsXP and Linux Desktop Environments
The new WebFX iXone environment was presented to a small number of faculty members who were known Macintosh supporters. They asked that a further presentation be made to the general faculty and they offered to extend the invitation to their faculty colleagues. That second presentation occurred a few days later and received enthusiastic support. One-on-one … Continue reading "WebFX iXone – Macintosh plus WindowsXP and Linux Desktop Environments"
April 16, 2008
E-Recruitment at the University of Toronto
A project team with representatives from different parts of the University was established to choose the e-recruitment vendor. A larger group of individuals was then asked to test the system, act as advocates and become “super users”. We also developed a communication plan for the roll out of the system that involved information sessions, training … Continue reading "E-Recruitment at the University of Toronto"
April 16, 2008
Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions
Stakeholder involvement was an integral part of the planning and implementation of this large and complex project. In the fall of 2007 the project team consulted with deans and others in the eight Faculties and with four university-wide management groups (Administration Executive Group, President’s Executive Committee, Managers and Supervisors Group and the Senior Management Group). … Continue reading "Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions"
April 16, 2008
New Staff and Faculty Orientation Program
This project was developed by the Human Resources Department in consultation with the Provost’s office. This ensured full support from the Provost which in turn has ensured both faculty and staff attend these sessions. Senior managers from several areas were involved in creating the presentations and participate in the delivery of the Orientation Program. This … Continue reading "New Staff and Faculty Orientation Program"
April 16, 2008
NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project
The project mobilized a large interdisciplinary team of managers, staff and faculty committed to the successful and quick implementation. The governance provided leadership from the top with involvement of the Executive Management Group and the President appointing the VP Finance as project champion. Implementation teams, Team Leads Committee, and a Steering Committee pulled representation from … Continue reading "NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project"
April 16, 2008
Scorecards and Dashboards – Supporting Strategic Decision Making
The dashboard project, in of itself, primarily involved a report analyst in Business Operations, and a technical developer in Enterprise Reporting. Within Enterprise Reporting, the model from this project is being used as a template for future dashboard projects at the University of Calgary. Currently, Enterprise Reporting is in the process of building a … Continue reading "Scorecards and Dashboards – Supporting Strategic Decision Making"
April 16, 2008
Page 20 of 26
- Campus Security and Safety
- Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Measurement
- Change Management
- Climate Change
- CLOUD Computing
- Collaboration
- Communication
- Compensation
- Compliance
- Compliance and Monitoring
- Conference
- Continuous Improvement
- Contract Negotiations
- Controls
- Coronavirus
- Credit Ratings
- Culture
- Customs
- Cybersecurity
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- Economic Forecasting
- EDI (Equity - Diversity - Inclusion)
- Efficiency in Admin Functions
- Emergency Management
- Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
- Employee Benefits
- Employee Recognition
- Engagement
- Energy Efficiency
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Environmental Health and Safety
- eProcurement
- Ethics
- Expense Processing
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