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Found 13 Results

Digital Research Services: a One-Stop-Shop for Digital Research Support

New digital technologies have profoundly transformed academic research across all disciplines, creating both opportunities and challenges for researchers to turn data into scientific breakthroughs. McGill’s Digital Research Services (DRS) team was formed to create a one-stop-shop to assist researchers in navigating the increasingly complex digital research ecosystem. DRS provides advice and support on three primary … Continue reading "Digital Research Services: a One-Stop-Shop for Digital Research Support"

June 10, 2024

IDEA Lab: Transforming the Future of Digital-First Research

Digital technologies are revolutionizing all areas of industry, culture, and society—yet higher education, particularly in Canada, has lagged in our adoption and deployment of cloud solutions in the research process. Research infrastructure is typically still understood as things that can be touched or toured on a physical campus. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, accentuated the risks … Continue reading "IDEA Lab: Transforming the Future of Digital-First Research"

May 15, 2023

Fostering Newcomer Employability and Community Integration through English Language Training

There is clear evidence that newcomers to Canada, including refugees and equity-deserving persons, face challenges to integration. Their educational credentials are often not recognized or require the development of additional skills. They find themselves in low-income jobs or part-time work. Given the need to improve community integration and newcomer employability, universities have a key role … Continue reading "Fostering Newcomer Employability and Community Integration through English Language Training"

May 15, 2023

A Powerful Organizational Health Index Developed by and for the Université de Sherbrooke Community

The Université de Sherbrooke custom-developed an organizational health index (OHI) in 2020 for, and in conjunction with, its community. Spearheaded by the institution’s senior administration, the initiative was an ambitious one, and its success was contingent on obtaining the buy-in and commitment of community members. A questionnaire was sent to the entire university community to … Continue reading "A Powerful Organizational Health Index Developed by and for the Université de Sherbrooke Community"

May 15, 2023

Planning a Research Trajectory: Strategies for Success

What if every University could set new faculty members up to have successful research trajectories early on in their careers? Starting in 2018, a team within University of Waterloo’s Office of Research set out to do just that.  Rather than continuing to offer piecemeal introductions to the variety of services available, the team members wanted … Continue reading "Planning a Research Trajectory: Strategies for Success"

June 29, 2020

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