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Transition from paper to digital requests using an enterprise service management (ticketing system) within the Financial Services department of the University of Victoria

The Financial Services team at UVic leveraged the pandemic disruption of services and transitioned to a digital based service using an enterprise service management software ticketing system to receive forms and inquires from across campus. So far, over 80,000 tickets have been submitted via the new ticketing system to Research Accounting, Payments and Banking (accounts … Continue reading "Transition from paper to digital requests using an enterprise service management (ticketing system) within the Financial Services department of the University of Victoria"

June 10, 2024

Employee E-Bike Loan Program

The University of Victoria is dedicated to supporting and promoting sustainable transportation choices and infrastructure for the campus community, lowering emissions, and supporting healthy communities. The goal of the Employee E-Bike Loan Pilot Program is to further accelerate sustainable transportation options for commuting to campus and across the Greater Victoria area by incentivizing the purchase … Continue reading "Employee E-Bike Loan Program"

May 15, 2023

Hybrid Work Arrangements

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically changed how Canadians worked, and the post-secondary sector was no exception as it quickly adapted to remote work arrangements in order to keep their workforce healthy, safe and productive. Institutions explored new opportunities resulting from the pandemic in terms of whether flexible work arrangements could be adopted and to what extent … Continue reading "Hybrid Work Arrangements"

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April 4, 2022

UVic’s Shared Resources Program

The Shared Resources program was developed to redeploy UVic employees on temporary layoff due to COVID-19 and to provide a mechanism for UVic departments to share capacity among staff based on increased or decreased workloads. UVic’s response to COVID-19, as with most universities, created a surge in demand for services in some departments, and a lack of … Continue reading "UVic’s Shared Resources Program"

June 15, 2021

Campus Strategic Sustainability Plan

In 2008, environmental sustainability was identified as one of Thompson Rivers University’s (TRU) seven founding values in 2008. To this end, in 2009, the TRU created the Sustainability Office, to ensure that sustainability would be considered in all university planning initiatives.  While significant sustainability work was accomplished between 2009 and 2013, TRU had not yet … Continue reading "Campus Strategic Sustainability Plan"

June 10, 2019

Finance Support Program

Our finance support program really is all about support.  Support to department heads to ensure that they receive consistent, relevant information to base their decisions on.  Support in navigating the administrative tasks which are key to the smooth operation of their department. To achieve our support objectives we provided comprehensive training and resources to key … Continue reading "Finance Support Program"

January 22, 2018

University of Victoria Service Excellence Program

   In January 2014, the president of the University of Victoria reported to the campus community the results of his extensive campus conversation consultations. The report identified challenges “in maintaining our high levels of collaboration, engagement, and collegiality” and recommended, “To address these challenges we must improve our internal communications and engagement processes” (University of … Continue reading "University of Victoria Service Excellence Program"

January 25, 2017

Managing Risk by Building Culture – Operational Excellence

The Operational Excellence Series is a practical learning program offered to Western employees involved in the administration of people, financial or other administrative processes across the University. The first of 14 courses was offered in August, 2015, and over the last 18 months, 315 administrators have participated. Operational Excellence was developed following a needs assessment … Continue reading "Managing Risk by Building Culture – Operational Excellence"

January 12, 2017

Creation of PRODIGE, a project management software

Faced with the necessity to innovate and acquire a computerized project management system, a project team of nine employees from the various divisions of the UdeM’s Campus Property Management began analyzing construction project management activities in January 2012. The scope of the project extended well beyond a mere review process. Over the course of the … Continue reading "Creation of PRODIGE, a project management software"

April 16, 2015

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