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Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative

Extensive stakeholder and community consultation occurred during the different phases of this project. Input was sought from students, staff and faculty as follows: – Individual student interviews and student focus groups; – Student testing of systems, communications, workflow; – Faculty focus groups; – Review by governance committees and other committees/departments at York (Senate Committee on … Continue reading "Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative"

April 16, 2007

Redefining Traditional Contracts for University Food Services

With the assistance of the consultant, this strategy and model was developed by and based on significant market research. The consultant incorporated other university and college models, and also gathered input and feedback from the UPEI community: – Personal interviews were conducted with key member of the administration. – Focus groups were conducted with UPEI … Continue reading "Redefining Traditional Contracts for University Food Services"

April 16, 2007

ENCORE Co-op Portal at University of Toronto Scarborough

This was in every way a team project. Computing and Networking Services (Now Information and Instructional Technology Services) consulted on Co-op’s requirements and identified the development of an in-house Co-op system as a strategic priority. CNS brought forward the idea of the system for Co-op’s consideration and dedicated resources to the project. Co-op administrators were … Continue reading "ENCORE Co-op Portal at University of Toronto Scarborough"

April 16, 2007

Automating the Risk Self-Assessment Process Using a Website Interface

By its nature, the methodology involves obtaining self-assessments from all administrative and academic department heads. In addition, senior management and other key stakeholders that included amongst others, deans of multidepartment faculties, members of finance and planning and budget and academic staff are periodically surveyed by Internal Audit to provide individual assessments and ranking of identified … Continue reading "Automating the Risk Self-Assessment Process Using a Website Interface"

April 16, 2006

Competencies Directory

As noted in previous sections, we have involved ail stakeholders, including the staff association, throughout the project and this strategy continues. Communication and participation, critical success factors, as outlined in the project extract and in the project originality features, have definitely been catalysts in affirming commitment from users at ail levels: – Principal and Vice-Principal … Continue reading "Competencies Directory"

April 16, 2006

Information system used to track key elements of research administration/funding-named eRSO

With a directive from the RSO management, the System was designed from the ground-up by completely involving the users as the experts in the workflow processes. Using iterative methods (DSDM as mentioned above) and with the assistance of a business analyst, each of the users mapped and modeled their workflow processes. This design process included … Continue reading "Information system used to track key elements of research administration/funding-named eRSO"

April 16, 2006

Ride the Bus and Fill the Fridge

The students were asked via their Residents’ Council Representatives and Residence Staff about interest in the program and which retailer should be approached (should we be successful in sponsorship). Students strongly suggested that No Frills be approached first as it was considered to be student friendly and an economical place to shop. The negotiation with … Continue reading "Ride the Bus and Fill the Fridge"

April 16, 2006

Academic Leadership Development Program for Newly Appointed Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Chairs’ School)

The program has been developed and offered by Staff learning and Development in collaboration with the Office of the Provost, Academic Staff Administration, and Chairs’ Council Executive. A deliberate effort was made to include a wide variety of individuals from the UofA community in preparing content and presenting in the program. For example, the following … Continue reading "Academic Leadership Development Program for Newly Appointed Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Chairs’ School)"

April 16, 2006

PRIME (Program for Research and Investment Management Excellence)

The PRIME program has been a partnership between the local financial community, the School of Business and central administration from its inception. After agreement in principal was reached between the three groups, the concept was presented the University’s Board Investment Committee, where it received approval. The early success of the program resulted in a portion … Continue reading "PRIME (Program for Research and Investment Management Excellence)"

April 16, 2005

Staff Fitness Program

The McGill Staff Fitness Program is truly a McGill community team initiative that involves academic staff, administrative and support staff, the central administration, and students. The vision and concept for the McGill Staff Fitness Program were developed by three individuals: Kate Williams, former Director, University Relations, Jill Barker, Assistant Manager, Recreation and Fitness, Department of … Continue reading "Staff Fitness Program"

April 16, 2005

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