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Found 81 Results

Transformation of Environmental Health & Safety Management Systems

The Dalhousie University Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) Office has been strategically restructured aligning program managers with key University risks including; biological, chemical, radiation, fire, and farm safety. These program managers provide expert guidance and oversight to the university and work as a team to accomplish aggressive goals utilizing collaborations with Faculty, Staff and students. … Continue reading "Transformation of Environmental Health & Safety Management Systems"

June 10, 2019

Ryerson University Departmental Safety Officer Program

In its continuing effort to embed safety into the culture and operation of every academic and non-academic unit on campus, Ryerson University’s Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) department implemented a university-wide system of Departmental Safety Officers (DSOs) and Departmental Safety Committees (DSCs). This innovative program is distinctive in three primary ways: 1) while a handful … Continue reading "Ryerson University Departmental Safety Officer Program"

June 10, 2019

“The Organizational Resilience Advantage at Royal Roads University” – Creation of the Royal Roads University “Resilience Team”, realigning university operations with enterprise initiatives and optimizing the value of integrating sustainability and enterprise risk management

At Royal Roads University, we are leaders and partners creating an enduring prosperity.  Our teaching and research transforms careers and lives by solving problems and creating opportunities in the world. Positioning for success and ensuring that the organization is fully aligned to achieve its mission, meeting growth and diversification goals, in April 2018 Royal Roads … Continue reading "“The Organizational Resilience Advantage at Royal Roads University” – Creation of the Royal Roads University “Resilience Team”, realigning university operations with enterprise initiatives and optimizing the value of integrating sustainability and enterprise risk management"

June 10, 2019

Much Ado About Nothing? An Analysis of Prioritization at Six Canadian Universities

This research investigates organizational change in six Canadian universities framed as “prioritization,” which is a ranking method using predefined metrics for the comprehensive review and evaluation of academic and administrative programs. Our research found the following: (a) no prioritization process reached the implementation stage; (b) financial performance was not significantly impacted; (c) differences in pace, … Continue reading "Much Ado About Nothing? An Analysis of Prioritization at Six Canadian Universities"

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May 9, 2019

Improving Organizational Safety through a Health and Safety Management System

From Wake-up Call to Transformation In the autumn of 2013 the University of Alberta experienced explosions in two labs, each resulting in significant injuries to a graduate student. The explosions represented a wake-up call, confirming that the university was not doing enough to improve its safety culture. After a review of best practices within both … Continue reading "Improving Organizational Safety through a Health and Safety Management System"

January 23, 2018

Aches, Pains, and Office Strains

Statistics Canada has estimated that 20% of the current Canadian workforce (3.5 million) is 55 or older, with that expected to increase to 25% by 2021. Universities have realized a rapid increase in technology that has changed the way employees and students physically interact with their workspaces.  This intersection of demographics and technology has resulted … Continue reading "Aches, Pains, and Office Strains"

January 22, 2018

Mobilizing Collaborative Leadership in Response to Modern Challenges in Higher Education: Carleton Leader

Universities are facing numerous emergent challenges in the higher education landscape that require us to challenge our thinking of traditional constructs and notions of leadership.  The establishment of Carleton Leader five years ago demonstrates the university’s intention in setting an innovative course in developing its leadership capacity, and in so doing, a commitment to a … Continue reading "Mobilizing Collaborative Leadership in Response to Modern Challenges in Higher Education: Carleton Leader"

January 19, 2018

Addressing Climate Change: U of T’s Utility Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF) – An Innovative Approach to Implementing a Green Revolving Fund

The Utilities Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF), established in 2012, is UofT’s innovative approach to implementing a green revolving fund. This forward-looking project directly satisfies the commitments made by the university in the President’s 2016 report Beyond Divestment: Taking Decisive Action on Climate Change, as well as the mandate of the Committee on the Environment, Climate … Continue reading "Addressing Climate Change: U of T’s Utility Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF) – An Innovative Approach to Implementing a Green Revolving Fund"

January 11, 2018

Boosting Student Registration Rates at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)

Using the Lean 6 Sigma continuous improvement approach to boost new UQAC student registration rates. Defining the issue: Due to delays in issuing official admission decisions (acceptance/rejection letters) and in taking follow-up action aimed at converting acceptances into registrations, UQAC was losing students to other universities. Not all accepted applicants go on to register. This … Continue reading "Boosting Student Registration Rates at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC)"

February 1, 2017

YU START: York’s Online Transition Program

Responding to the identified need for a more comprehensive, efficient and effective way to enrol, transition and orient incoming students, York University created YU START. Piloted in 2012 and launched in its current form in 2015, YU START is an online transition tool that offers new undergraduate students an Online Enrolment Tutorial, an interactive University … Continue reading "YU START: York’s Online Transition Program"

January 25, 2017

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