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Found 39 Results

Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Disbursement Process at UBC

The project was developed and implemented through close consultation with a number of stakeholders from the UBC campus community, including the BPR (Business Process Re-Engineering) team, the Finance Educational Advisory Committee, the CFBA (Committee of Faculty Business Administrators) group, the Travel Committee, the PeopleSoft FMS Advisory Group, the PeopleSoft Steering Committee, and the Audit Committee. … Continue reading "Increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Disbursement Process at UBC"

April 16, 2006

Automating the Risk Self-Assessment Process Using a Website Interface

By its nature, the methodology involves obtaining self-assessments from all administrative and academic department heads. In addition, senior management and other key stakeholders that included amongst others, deans of multidepartment faculties, members of finance and planning and budget and academic staff are periodically surveyed by Internal Audit to provide individual assessments and ranking of identified … Continue reading "Automating the Risk Self-Assessment Process Using a Website Interface"

April 16, 2006

Ryerson University – Financial Services’ Document Management System

The process that led to the implementation of this system began in 1999 when group of individuals representing the owners of the major ERP systems at the university met to investigate the state of the technology and determine if a product was available that would meet the needs of the university. After investigating the technology … Continue reading "Ryerson University – Financial Services’ Document Management System"

April 16, 2006

Automated Purchasing Card Management: Internet Applications for Administration and Control

Senior departmental business officers were surveyed for their input on how to improve the pCard administration program. Their suggestions were essential in creating the initial requirements before beginning the development of the applications. We continually receive and encourage feedback from our departments on improvements and enhancements to the present applications. The formatting of the electronic … Continue reading "Automated Purchasing Card Management: Internet Applications for Administration and Control"

April 16, 2006

Quality Assurance Applied to Campus Cleaning Services: Innovative Approach Yields Significant Results

The Quality Assurance Program heralded a new attitude toward stakeholder involvement. The initial steps in the program were a baselining initiative and benchmarking with other post-secondary institutions. These first steps allowed us to evaluate the quality, cost and customer/staff satisfaction of cleaning services. Because we had been providing cleaning services for years, our Division assumed … Continue reading "Quality Assurance Applied to Campus Cleaning Services: Innovative Approach Yields Significant Results"

April 16, 2006

Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database

The following are departments or stakeholders that were involved in and contributed to the project: Department/Stakeholder Contribution to the project Vice-President Finance and Administration Project approval and financial support Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) Project planning, coordination and implementation. DOHS hygienist participated throughout the process (e.g., interviewing workers, grouping job positions etc.). Department … Continue reading "Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database"

April 16, 2005

Ushop – b2b eProcurement Marketplace

Before the solution was selected over 60 staff members across three campuses representing academic and administrative groups were interviewed to identify the features and functionality that a solution would need to have. Once the solution was selected a steering committee was formed comprised of researchers, divisional business officers, systems, finance and procurement staff. The role … Continue reading "Ushop – b2b eProcurement Marketplace"

April 16, 2005

Business Process Committee

The Business Process Committee includes representation from Senior Management, financial administration, information technology, student services, human resources, academic, customized training and internal audit. The Committee invites College leaders to many of its biweekly meetings (e.g. Registrar, Director of Human Resources, Director of Admissions, etc). The College’s Senior Leadership Team receives periodic status reports. The format … Continue reading "Business Process Committee"

April 16, 2005

Implementation of Electronic Supplier Payment System

In order to assess the impact on those affected by the change, Queen’s surveyed 40 companies that have been the recipients of electronic payments. Of those that replied (50%), 100 percent expressed high satisfaction with the payment service. The nature of this system ensures portability. As long as the existing accounting system has the capability … Continue reading "Implementation of Electronic Supplier Payment System"

April 16, 2004

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