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Climate Change

Canadian post-secondary institutions are contributors to climate change due to their large geographic, economic and environmental footprint, and also face a number of emerging environmental risks. As such, institutions have a significant role to play in mitigating the impacts of climate change and enabling the transition to a low-carbon economy through their institutional operating practices, community engagement, … Continue reading "Climate Change"

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January 25, 2022

Biomass sustainable energy facility

Since 2011, a diverse group of dedicated professionals at Simon Fraser University have sought to evaluate, design, plan and construct an alternative energy source for heating the Burnaby campus to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets while meeting the thermal needs of the Burnaby Mountain community. Opened in October 2020, the facility provides our Burnaby … Continue reading "Biomass sustainable energy facility"

June 15, 2021

Performance Development Project

In 2020 Trinity Western University (TWU) will complete a multi-year project that redesigned and re-envisioned our staff performance development framework and system.   TWU is post-secondary intuition that is uniquely positioned as a liberal arts university in a competitive job market and needs to attract and retain top employee talent so we can achieve strategic … Continue reading "Performance Development Project"

June 29, 2020

“The Organizational Resilience Advantage at Royal Roads University” – Creation of the Royal Roads University “Resilience Team”, realigning university operations with enterprise initiatives and optimizing the value of integrating sustainability and enterprise risk management

At Royal Roads University, we are leaders and partners creating an enduring prosperity.  Our teaching and research transforms careers and lives by solving problems and creating opportunities in the world. Positioning for success and ensuring that the organization is fully aligned to achieve its mission, meeting growth and diversification goals, in April 2018 Royal Roads … Continue reading "“The Organizational Resilience Advantage at Royal Roads University” – Creation of the Royal Roads University “Resilience Team”, realigning university operations with enterprise initiatives and optimizing the value of integrating sustainability and enterprise risk management"

June 10, 2019

Addressing Climate Change: U of T’s Utility Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF) – An Innovative Approach to Implementing a Green Revolving Fund

The Utilities Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF), established in 2012, is UofT’s innovative approach to implementing a green revolving fund. This forward-looking project directly satisfies the commitments made by the university in the President’s 2016 report Beyond Divestment: Taking Decisive Action on Climate Change, as well as the mandate of the Committee on the Environment, Climate … Continue reading "Addressing Climate Change: U of T’s Utility Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF) – An Innovative Approach to Implementing a Green Revolving Fund"

January 11, 2018

Managing campus expansion in an era of climate change

Through ten years of comprehensive climate action, the University of Winnipeg has made quantitative reductions in its greenhouse gas emissions while showing strong leadership and innovation in GHG emission tracking, policy development, management, and reporting.  Between 1990 and 2015, absolute campus wide emissions decreased by approximately 32% despite the fact that 38% of currently owned … Continue reading "Managing campus expansion in an era of climate change"

January 25, 2017

Cape Breton University Wind Farm

Cape Breton University (CBU) is proud to be the first energy self-sufficient and carbon neutral campus in North America. In January 2016, CBU completed the development of a three turbine 5.4 MW windfarm across from the campus that generates an estimated 16,200 MWh of electrical energy annually, equivalent to an offset of 15,400 tonnes of … Continue reading "Cape Breton University Wind Farm"

January 12, 2017

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