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Found 163 Results

Creating a Coaching Culture

The original pilot project was focused on 1-on-1 coaching and seen as so important by the stakeholders that it was sponsored by: the Association for Administrative and Professional Staff (AAPS); Human Resources; the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Medicine. In the first year a total of 76 clients participated, representing: AAPS members (75%), … Continue reading "Creating a Coaching Culture"

April 16, 2006

Diversity Strategy – Aligning people strategies to transform the workplace culture at the University of Saskatchewan in pursuit of a Representative Workforce

Community and stakeholder involvement is a critical component of the diversity strategy. Examples are: – The University partnered with the Province to develop the partnership for Aboriginal employment. – MOU with Wanuskewin Heritage Park to facilitate Aboriginal awareness education. – Discussions with the Aboriginal community resulted in the development of a Conceptual Framework for Aboriginal … Continue reading "Diversity Strategy – Aligning people strategies to transform the workplace culture at the University of Saskatchewan in pursuit of a Representative Workforce"

April 16, 2006

The Laurier One Card It’s All You Really Need

The entire WLU community has been involved with the OneCard program from its very beginnings. Both senior administration at Laurier and the WLU Students’ Union were instrumental in deploying the system and both parties continue to shape the future direction of the program. The administration and Students’ Union each have 50% représentation on the Food … Continue reading "The Laurier One Card It’s All You Really Need"

April 16, 2006

Academic Leadership Development Program for Newly Appointed Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Chairs’ School)

The program has been developed and offered by Staff learning and Development in collaboration with the Office of the Provost, Academic Staff Administration, and Chairs’ Council Executive. A deliberate effort was made to include a wide variety of individuals from the UofA community in preparing content and presenting in the program. For example, the following … Continue reading "Academic Leadership Development Program for Newly Appointed Department Chairs and Associate Deans (Chairs’ School)"

April 16, 2006

Transformer une librairie universitaire en une entreprise rentable au service des communaut̩s

L’élaboration d’une mission pour la Librairie acadienne a été rendue possible grâce au travail d’un comité d’étude interne, à l’appui de la haute administration de l’Université de Moncton, à la collaboration d’étudiants, et d’employés. Par une collaboration interne, le Service des finances, le Service des achats, le Service de planification des installations physiques et le … Continue reading "Transformer une librairie universitaire en une entreprise rentable au service des communautÌ©s"

April 16, 2006

GéoIndex : un accès aux données géospaciales de la Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval

Le développement de GéoIndex a nécessité les efforts de coordination de l’équipe du Centre d’information géographique et statistique et la section soutien informatique et administratif de la Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval. Cette étroite et constante collaboration a permis un développement rapide et efficace du produit et ouvert la porte à une collaboration plus fonctionnelle et … Continue reading "GéoIndex : un accès aux données géospaciales de la Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval"

April 16, 2006

Western Reads

The Book Store at Western, Alumni Relations and Communications & Public Affairs are involved in the selection of the celebrity readers, promotion, web site, event planning and ail budget implications. Celebrity readers participate in the book selection, lead the discussion online and at the debate. Since the celebrity readers represent a cross section of campus … Continue reading "Western Reads"

April 16, 2005

Archimède: Une solution canadienne pour le dépôt institutionnel

ARCHIMÈDE is a team effort involving many specialists from the Laval University Library. The project’s success is dependent on the collaborative efforts of these individuals as well as those of the “Open Source” community, and the use of applications and frameworks developed through community cooperation. In order to realize our project, we used the following … Continue reading "Archimède: Une solution canadienne pour le dépôt institutionnel"

April 16, 2005

Staff Fitness Program

The McGill Staff Fitness Program is truly a McGill community team initiative that involves academic staff, administrative and support staff, the central administration, and students. The vision and concept for the McGill Staff Fitness Program were developed by three individuals: Kate Williams, former Director, University Relations, Jill Barker, Assistant Manager, Recreation and Fitness, Department of … Continue reading "Staff Fitness Program"

April 16, 2005

The design, development and implementation of Health Check sessions for staff members of the University of Calgary

The Health Check initiative was developed by a team of U of C staff members who applied their expertise in a creative and thoughtful manner. The Advisory Committee for Health, Wellbeing and Effectiveness is advisory to Human Resources, and is a broad-based group with representation from key stakeholders. It supports and promotes the mandate to … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of Health Check sessions for staff members of the University of Calgary"

April 16, 2005

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