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Laurier Energy Efficiency Project (LEEP)

Electrical power production in Ontario is changing from centralized to decentralized.  The commercial availability of renewable energy and energy storage technologies have both made big strides forward. As such, in a landscape with increasing risks to campus operations, Laurier elected to develop an energy strategy that would improve climate adaptation, improve reliability and resiliency of energy supply, reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and respond with more flexibility to incentive based, variable rate structures. Laurier partnered with Johnson Controls for the design and … Continue reading "Laurier Energy Efficiency Project (LEEP)"

June 15, 2021

Biomass sustainable energy facility

Since 2011, a diverse group of dedicated professionals at Simon Fraser University have sought to evaluate, design, plan and construct an alternative energy source for heating the Burnaby campus to achieve greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets while meeting the thermal needs of the Burnaby Mountain community. Opened in October 2020, the facility provides our Burnaby … Continue reading "Biomass sustainable energy facility"

June 15, 2021

Campus Map Visulization for Displaying Occupancy Related Data

The University of Saskatchewan (USask) developed a Transparent Activity-Based Budget System (TABBS) in 2012. This model has a new approach for allocating provincial operating funding, tuition and indirect costs. Indirect costs are defined as the operating costs of the administrative/support units and also central funds. One component of indirect costs is the cost of space, … Continue reading "Campus Map Visulization for Displaying Occupancy Related Data"

June 29, 2020

Transformational Change – Moving Ancillary Units to Fully Contributing For-Profit Business Enterprises

At McMaster University, like other Canadian universities and colleges, has a number of student support departments, also call ancillary services. These are activities the generally fall as secondary to the University’s mission, but are an essential part of student support activities. These services include: Housing and Conference Services, Hospitality and Catering Services, Campus Store, Media … Continue reading "Transformational Change – Moving Ancillary Units to Fully Contributing For-Profit Business Enterprises"

June 29, 2020

CORe Optimation of Lab Research Environment

Energy savings by reducing the ventilation rates measured in air change per hour (ACH) from the current level to 2 ACH, when the environment is sensed to be clean. Universities initiate discoveries and develop minds as their primary mission. A recent Harvard School of Public Health research paper indicated up to a 288% increase in … Continue reading "CORe Optimation of Lab Research Environment"

June 29, 2020

UBC’s Energy Conservation & Innovation Program

Since 2000 UBC’s energy conservation efforts have continued to be enhanced as the program has adapted with new technologies and data analysis tools.  In 2001, following energy audits of UBC's 100 largest facilities, the university launched the $40 million EcoTrek retrofit program. An energy services contract (ESCO) which guaranteed annual energy savings of $2.6 million. … Continue reading "UBC’s Energy Conservation & Innovation Program"

June 10, 2019

“The Organizational Resilience Advantage at Royal Roads University” – Creation of the Royal Roads University “Resilience Team”, realigning university operations with enterprise initiatives and optimizing the value of integrating sustainability and enterprise risk management

At Royal Roads University, we are leaders and partners creating an enduring prosperity.  Our teaching and research transforms careers and lives by solving problems and creating opportunities in the world. Positioning for success and ensuring that the organization is fully aligned to achieve its mission, meeting growth and diversification goals, in April 2018 Royal Roads … Continue reading "“The Organizational Resilience Advantage at Royal Roads University” – Creation of the Royal Roads University “Resilience Team”, realigning university operations with enterprise initiatives and optimizing the value of integrating sustainability and enterprise risk management"

June 10, 2019

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