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SFU Zero Waste Initiative

In January 2014, SFU launched its Zero Waste initiative, with the aim of diverting 70% of waste from landfill, while doubling the amount recycled or composted. This goal was adopted in the SFU Sustainability Strategic Plan (2013-16) and has strong administrative support. The Zero Waste Initiative has employed infrastructure improvements, cross-departmental governance, a comprehensive communication … Continue reading "SFU Zero Waste Initiative"

June 14, 2016

Emergency Management and Business Continuity as an Institution Priority

This project was undertaken as a result of a January 2013 review of the emergency response plans (ERP) and business continuity plans (BCP) on file which revealed that Jess than 25% of required departments had Emergency Response Plans and less that 5% had Business Continuity Plans. In addition an audit by the Internal Audit department … Continue reading "Emergency Management and Business Continuity as an Institution Priority"

June 14, 2016

Collaborative Development of a Governance and Reporting Framework for Land Development Activities

Land is one of the University of New Brunswick's (UNB) key assets. In addition to its core campus lands, UNB owns significant endowment lands, many of which are used directly for teaching and research.   In 2003, UNB adopted a Land Management Strategy (LMS) that provided an administrative framework for the co-ordinated management of our … Continue reading "Collaborative Development of a Governance and Reporting Framework for Land Development Activities"

June 13, 2016

Going Green: A Collaborative Approach to Energy Efficiency

Carleton University has developed a Sustainability Strategic Plan (SSP) that outlines goals and initiatives that take an innovative approach to energy and sustainability planning on campus. This comprehensive model takes into account everything from infrastructure (retrofits and new builds), engagement of students, faculty and staff to outreach, creating research opportunities and collecting feedback. The strategic … Continue reading "Going Green: A Collaborative Approach to Energy Efficiency"

June 13, 2016

Show Me The Money! (Turning AP into a Profit Center)

1Show Me The Money’ is an innovat~ve project implemented by McMaster University focused on reducing expenses, reducing administration payment processing time, mitigating risks and providing an opportunity to turn Accounts Payable into a profit center earning cash rebates. Many publicly funded institutions are experiencing declining revenues and increasing expenses. For Universities this is evident in … Continue reading "Show Me The Money! (Turning AP into a Profit Center)"

May 31, 2016

SJU Campus Renewal 2015 using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

St. Jerome’s University is federated with the University of Waterloo, and as such is not eligible for direct government funding. For this reason, it was imperative that when we embarked on a major capital expansion that we embraced a process that would reduce our risk exposure, and provide a framework that would allow us to … Continue reading "SJU Campus Renewal 2015 using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)"

April 16, 2015

The UVic Campus Bike Centre

The Campus Bike Centre is transferable based on two primary features. First, the Centre is located within a section of a parkade, and came about through the repurposing of28 premium paid vehicle parking spots. Second, the Centre is the highest single concentration of bike parking stalls on campus and acts as a cycling hub. Other … Continue reading "The UVic Campus Bike Centre"

April 16, 2015

A win-win project for the Town of Sackville and Mount Allison University

Universities across Canada are challenged by diminishing enrolments, reduced Government grants andrestricted tuition fee increases. Any new revenue source is welcome news. There also exists an expectation and evidence that cooperation with sister institutions and other organizations will save money and increase efficiencies. Mount Allison has experience through and agreement with St. Thomas University to … Continue reading "A win-win project for the Town of Sackville and Mount Allison University"

April 16, 2015

University Manager 2011 Fall

Review of University Endowment and Pension Funds | Infrastructure Funding: Rising to the Challenge

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September 17, 2011

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