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Found 16 Results

NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project

The project mobilized a large interdisciplinary team of managers, staff and faculty committed to the successful and quick implementation. The governance provided leadership from the top with involvement of the Executive Management Group and the President appointing the VP Finance as project champion. Implementation teams, Team Leads Committee, and a Steering Committee pulled representation from … Continue reading "NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project"

April 16, 2008

Focusing the Risk Management Program

The advances in our risk management program have been achieved only through extensive consultation with our faculties and services. We have regular meetings with our researchers, academics, and operational staffs. These meetings have served to transfer specific knowledge and training on risk management to the front line users, but also to keep the Office of … Continue reading "Focusing the Risk Management Program"

April 16, 2008

Integrated Risk Management Program

These advances in our risk management program have been achieved only through extensive consultation with our faculties and services. We have regular meetings with our research, high, médium and low risk faculties, Physical Resources Service and Materials Management Service, and student organizatiôns among many others. Thèse meetings have served to transfer spécifie knowledge and training … Continue reading "Integrated Risk Management Program"

April 16, 2006

Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database

The following are departments or stakeholders that were involved in and contributed to the project: Department/Stakeholder Contribution to the project Vice-President Finance and Administration Project approval and financial support Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) Project planning, coordination and implementation. DOHS hygienist participated throughout the process (e.g., interviewing workers, grouping job positions etc.). Department … Continue reading "Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database"

April 16, 2005

The implementation of a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) program for Management and Professional Staff at the University of Calgary

The concept was first presented during 2001 when focus groups were held with Management and Professional Staff about proposed changes to improve and update coverages under the core benefits program. Feedback was positive that this type of benefit would be favorably received if offered. The MaPS Steering Committee, which is composed of MaPS staff members, … Continue reading "The implementation of a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) program for Management and Professional Staff at the University of Calgary"

April 16, 2005

Healthy and Safe Work Environment for Caretakers

The Caretaking Steering team had sponsorship from the AVP, Human Resources and the AVP, Physical Plant. The membership of the committee included Caretaking staff, Rehabilitation Services, CUPE 2361 representatives, Occupational Health and Safety, the AVP, Housing and Ancillary Services, and Human Resources. The task teams that were created in response to the caretaker’s focus groups … Continue reading "Healthy and Safe Work Environment for Caretakers"

April 16, 2004

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