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Found 17 Results

Process Improvement – Risk Assessment and Inspection

A process improvement team consisting of three staff members from Safety & Risk Services at Simon Fraser University examined the Division’s risk assessment and inspections processes using the Lean Six Sigma methodology, The team’s project charter was to reduce the cycle time to conduct, communicate and follow-up with risk assessments and inspections conducted by Safety and Risk … Continue reading "Process Improvement – Risk Assessment and Inspection"

January 12, 2017

Quality Starts Here: Changing the Way We Work

The Challenge: Scheduling over 80 employees across 7 different locations is difficult when the average employee has an average of 33 days off and 9 sick days*. Constant staff shortages, sometimes with little or no notice leads to deviations from standard operating procedures and clients see a decrease in quality as employees struggle to manage … Continue reading "Quality Starts Here: Changing the Way We Work"

June 13, 2016

Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University

Carleton Leader is a bold and innovative approach to leadership development within higher education. It focuses and invests in growing our organizational leadership capacity in faculty and staff so the university is better prepared to face the emerging challenges of our times, collectively and collaboratively.   It is a customized initiative developed for Carleton, by … Continue reading "Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University"

June 13, 2016

SJU Campus Renewal 2015 using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

St. Jerome’s University is federated with the University of Waterloo, and as such is not eligible for direct government funding. For this reason, it was imperative that when we embarked on a major capital expansion that we embraced a process that would reduce our risk exposure, and provide a framework that would allow us to … Continue reading "SJU Campus Renewal 2015 using Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)"

April 16, 2015

Optimisation du processus « Acquérir la documentation »

Les restrictions budgétaires auxquelles font face les universités canadiennes pèsent lourdement sur le financement et l’avenir des bibliothèques universitaires. Cette situation, combinée à l’augmentation fulgurante du coût de la documentation électronique, a amené la bibliothèque de HEC Montréal à faire preuve d’ingéniosité afin de rationaliser ses processus et ainsi se donner les moyens de réaliser … Continue reading "Optimisation du processus « Acquérir la documentation »"

April 16, 2015

Optimization of the document acquisition process

The budget cuts now commonplace in Canadian universities put pressure on funding and the future of university libraries. In combination with the soaring costs of electronic documentation, this situation has forced the HEC Montréal library to be creative in streamlining its processes and adopt the means to fully carry out its mission in this difficult … Continue reading "Optimization of the document acquisition process"

April 16, 2015

Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services

The UofC had a decentralized model in place for printing, graphic design and fax/copying. Project IMAGinE needed to be innovative with regard to existing labour, centralized services, ownership of technology, and student services. IMAGinE delivered on transforming our campus in the following ways: – Labour: using a blended model of Xerox employees. UofC employees that … Continue reading "Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services"

April 16, 2009

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