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Found 134 Results

Implementing an Improved and Standardized Process for Procurement of Design and Construction Services

New methodologies and procedures cannot be implemented successfully without support from ail administrative levels of an institution and those that the process affects. An ad hoc committee involving Purchasing and Physical Plant was struck to look at the existing situation and staff of ail ranks researched different aspects of possible solutions. Research done by both … Continue reading "Implementing an Improved and Standardized Process for Procurement of Design and Construction Services"

April 16, 2004

Benefits Driven Procurement Through Strategic Alliances!

The private sector model was used as the springboard to establish this program at UVic. Suppliers and Distributors are supported extensively by manufacturers through marketing support (funds), volume rebates, sponsorships based on sales volumes, product samples, contests, etc. It is common practice that the larger manufacturers and suppliers support their customers through their marketing resources … Continue reading "Benefits Driven Procurement Through Strategic Alliances!"

April 16, 2004

The McGill Web Publishing Content Management System

  The McGill Web Publishing CMS concept can be ported or adapted to any university environment. It is ideally suited to large decentralized institutions, because while it manages production and publishing centrally, it distributes ownership of the content and provides tools for editing locally. Our system uses open source software and an industry standard SQL … Continue reading "The McGill Web Publishing Content Management System"

April 16, 2004

Creation of a highly efficient response team to address high ROI Workflow solutions across Campus

The end user is a key component of the solution from the project inception, specification gathering, on-site testing of the prototype, to the on-going interaction for the life span of the use of the solution. For each project, a champion is appointed from the client community and the development team. These two individuals are responsible … Continue reading "Creation of a highly efficient response team to address high ROI Workflow solutions across Campus"

April 16, 2004

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