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Residence Wireless Network (ResNet)

ResNet was a big project that involved a number of people from several different departments. There was a project team from the department of Computing and Communications (C & C) that worked on planning the network, network design, programming the online Device Authorization Tool, and overseeing the whole project from beginning to end. The C … Continue reading "Residence Wireless Network (ResNet)"

April 16, 2005

Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database

The following are departments or stakeholders that were involved in and contributed to the project: Department/Stakeholder Contribution to the project Vice-President Finance and Administration Project approval and financial support Department of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) Project planning, coordination and implementation. DOHS hygienist participated throughout the process (e.g., interviewing workers, grouping job positions etc.). Department … Continue reading "Risk-Based Workplace Hazard Analysis and Database"

April 16, 2005

The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)

Involvement: Input was gathered from a wide spectrum of stakeholders through the following means: prior and ongoing reviews of needs, an initial collaborative system visioning and planning session with multiple stakeholders. There was an HR/IT steering team, strong support from IT and from the MAPS Steering Team, ongoing involvement of different client groups in testing, … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)"

April 16, 2005

Partnering to Project Success

“Partnering” as an approach to the design and construction of major capital projects, means steady involvement for the projects numerous Stakeholder Groups. The task of the Design Team is to translate the User requirements and aspirations into a building to support the intended functions. This cannot be accomplished without extensive involvement of Stakeholders. Indeed our … Continue reading "Partnering to Project Success"

April 16, 2005

Business Process Committee

The Business Process Committee includes representation from Senior Management, financial administration, information technology, student services, human resources, academic, customized training and internal audit. The Committee invites College leaders to many of its biweekly meetings (e.g. Registrar, Director of Human Resources, Director of Admissions, etc). The College’s Senior Leadership Team receives periodic status reports. The format … Continue reading "Business Process Committee"

April 16, 2005

Working Alone

The development process was a collaborative effort with Curriculum Redevelopment Center, Information Technology, Security and Occupational Health and Safety. Once the system was developed it was introduced to senior administration as well as employees. Excellent suggestions were received and the system was adjusted enhancing the user friendly model, which made the concept and physical attributes … Continue reading "Working Alone"

April 16, 2004

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