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Ancillary Benchmark Dashboards

Ancillary operations have become an increasingly prominent area of focus at universities. There is a recognized need for reliable data to help administrators identify opportunities for improved efficiencies. The Ancillary Benchmark survey series provides a key performance indicator dashboard for three major ancillary areas. A dashboard containing the detailed data for each survey is available … Continue reading "Ancillary Benchmark Dashboards"

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August 13, 2021

Workplace Learning Ecosystem

UBC has more than 20,000 employees that require compliance training and professional development (PD). To fulfill this requirement, different departments across the University offered internal compliance training and PD to employees, using multiple strategies like face-to-face, Moodle, canvas, People Soft, and WordPress. The registration process for employees to enroll in these courses was different depending on the … Continue reading "Workplace Learning Ecosystem"

June 15, 2021

Enterprise Teaching Research and Collaboration System

Enterprise Teaching Research And Collaboration System (eTRACS) is a system geared towards faculty management, designed to transform manual administrative processes into an integrated faculty management system to better support short and long term program and course planning, faculty lifecycle processes, annual budget preparation, contracts administration, reporting and more! It focuses on providing capabilities to academic and administrative … Continue reading "Enterprise Teaching Research and Collaboration System"

June 15, 2021

Optimizing Registrarial Student Services and Staff Workflow in a Remote Environment through “AskRegistrar”

AskRegistrar is a by-product of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was conceptualized, developed, tested, and launched for students within a 5 month period (April – August 2020) to modernize our services, improve our students’ experience, and create a more efficient workflow for our staff. Leveraging the ServiceNow platform, AskRegistrar services over 15,600 undergraduate students, approximately 300 … Continue reading "Optimizing Registrarial Student Services and Staff Workflow in a Remote Environment through “AskRegistrar”"

June 15, 2021

The “Campus éclatés” Initiative During COVID-19

The unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 have provided the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) with an opportunity to assert what sets it apart as a leading institution committed to education on a human scale, namely the development of students’ skills in a real-world context, innovation, excellence, and the ability to overcome challenges, find solutions and adapt to … Continue reading "The “Campus éclatés” Initiative During COVID-19"

June 15, 2021

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