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Enterprise Teaching Research and Collaboration System

Enterprise Teaching Research And Collaboration System (eTRACS) is a system geared towards faculty management, designed to transform manual administrative processes into an integrated faculty management system to better support short and long term program and course planning, faculty lifecycle processes, annual budget preparation, contracts administration, reporting and more! It focuses on providing capabilities to academic and administrative … Continue reading "Enterprise Teaching Research and Collaboration System"

June 15, 2021

The “Campus éclatés” Initiative During COVID-19

The unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19 have provided the Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS) with an opportunity to assert what sets it apart as a leading institution committed to education on a human scale, namely the development of students’ skills in a real-world context, innovation, excellence, and the ability to overcome challenges, find solutions and adapt to … Continue reading "The “Campus éclatés” Initiative During COVID-19"

June 15, 2021

On-line Scholarship Application. This solution allows the University of Calgary to award $3.5million in numerous types of scholarships through one competition; utilizes data in the student system to identify potential scholarships for applicants; improves program level administration and review; and simplifies final Faculty of Graduate Studies adjudication and selection, all within one platform.

The University of Calgary receives over 1400 applications annually from graduate students applying for university scholarships, with most students applying numerous times over their University career. In support of improving the student experience and achieving administrative efficiencies, the Faculty of Graduate Studies (FGS), in partnership with Information Technologies (IT), developed a secure on-line scholarship application … Continue reading "On-line Scholarship Application. This solution allows the University of Calgary to award $3.5million in numerous types of scholarships through one competition; utilizes data in the student system to identify potential scholarships for applicants; improves program level administration and review; and simplifies final Faculty of Graduate Studies adjudication and selection, all within one platform."

June 29, 2020

Transformational Change – Moving Ancillary Units to Fully Contributing For-Profit Business Enterprises

At McMaster University, like other Canadian universities and colleges, has a number of student support departments, also call ancillary services. These are activities the generally fall as secondary to the University’s mission, but are an essential part of student support activities. These services include: Housing and Conference Services, Hospitality and Catering Services, Campus Store, Media … Continue reading "Transformational Change – Moving Ancillary Units to Fully Contributing For-Profit Business Enterprises"

June 29, 2020

PowerED™ by Athabasca University – A New Entrepreneurial Unit

Today’s fast-changing business environment demands an increased need for education that offers responsive skill development, so professionals thrive and make an immediate impact in their careers. In 2018, Athabasca University (AU) considered this shift and saw an opportunity to launch an innovative, digital, micro-learning department rooted in three principles, personalized learning that is – just-in-time, … Continue reading "PowerED™ by Athabasca University – A New Entrepreneurial Unit"

June 29, 2020

Tri-Agency Transition Resources

Transition to the New Tri-Agency Guide on Financial Administration The Tri-Agencies (CIHR, NSERC, and SSHRC) launched the Tri-Agency Financial Administration initiative in 2017 with a focus on the following three key areas: moving to a more flexible approach to the administration and use of grant funds, bringing significant changes to the Tri-Agency Guide on Financial … Continue reading "Tri-Agency Transition Resources"

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November 22, 2019

Campus Strategic Sustainability Plan

In 2008, environmental sustainability was identified as one of Thompson Rivers University’s (TRU) seven founding values in 2008. To this end, in 2009, the TRU created the Sustainability Office, to ensure that sustainability would be considered in all university planning initiatives.  While significant sustainability work was accomplished between 2009 and 2013, TRU had not yet … Continue reading "Campus Strategic Sustainability Plan"

June 10, 2019

Staff Job Design, Evaluation and Compensation

In collaboration with the University of Western Ontario Staff Association, supervisors and administrators across campus, Human Resource staff developed and implemented a sustainable, effective and efficient job evaluation system for staff roles supporting student experience, administration and the research enterprise. The work began a number of years ago when discussions with the union representatives identified concerns … Continue reading "Staff Job Design, Evaluation and Compensation"

June 10, 2019

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