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Found 44 Results

NetAccess: An Automated Registration Tool for Computers at UNB

It was obvious from the beginning that campus network users were not satisfied with the responsiveness of the manual processes. In addition, the volume of administrative work required was beginning to fully consume valuable technical staff within ITS. With faculty and staff purchasing computers at a rate of 20 per week and at peak times … Continue reading "NetAccess: An Automated Registration Tool for Computers at UNB"

April 16, 2006

Residence Wireless Network (ResNet)

ResNet was a big project that involved a number of people from several different departments. There was a project team from the department of Computing and Communications (C & C) that worked on planning the network, network design, programming the online Device Authorization Tool, and overseeing the whole project from beginning to end. The C … Continue reading "Residence Wireless Network (ResNet)"

April 16, 2005

Partnering to Project Success

“Partnering” as an approach to the design and construction of major capital projects, means steady involvement for the projects numerous Stakeholder Groups. The task of the Design Team is to translate the User requirements and aspirations into a building to support the intended functions. This cannot be accomplished without extensive involvement of Stakeholders. Indeed our … Continue reading "Partnering to Project Success"

April 16, 2005

Creature Comfort Program

The students receiving the program were asked for feedback after 2003/04. There were minor changes made to the program for 2004/05. Feedback was also received through the Food Service Advisory Committee, a committee of the residence students every other week that meets every other week. The Creature Comfort Program was marketed to the all first … Continue reading "Creature Comfort Program"

April 16, 2005

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