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Found 33 Results

McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach

McGill University's Procurement Services launched a unique planning initiative, engaging a wide variety of University stakeholders to develop its first 5-Year Sustainable Procurement Strategic Plan (the "Plan"). Aligned with the University's Sustainability Strategy (Vision 2020) and the Procurement Policy, the Plan aims at embedding sustainability into the University's supply chain. Prior to 2012 only a … Continue reading "McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach"

June 13, 2016

Fund Ledger/Awards Management System

Vancouver Island University (VIU) is a public, student-focused post-secondary education institution. Direct support for students (scholarships, awards and bursaries) is our primary fundraising priority and a means by which we promote access to education.   Tracking the complete cycle of soliciting/receiving funds through the creation and disbursement to students of ~1,000 awards each year was … Continue reading "Fund Ledger/Awards Management System"

June 13, 2016

“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach

McGill’s vision to implement “Satellite Procurement operations” started taking shape in 2009, with the goal to improve customer service and strengthen the impartiality of the procurement process. The model relies heavily on collaboration, building relationships and sharing functional knowledge while focusing on improving customer response time, process efficiencies and cost savings. A value driven and … Continue reading "“McGill Satellite Procurement Operations” – A Customer Centric Approach"

April 16, 2015


The forming of the group changed the way Financial Services and Human Resources related with the units and vice versa. It also changed the way all the units related to one another. The result is better relations, better solutions, far more efficiencies, all of which in the end make the institution and its staff work … Continue reading "BRIDGING THE GAP: MIDDLE MANAGERS GROUP AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA"

April 16, 2009

Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services

The UofC had a decentralized model in place for printing, graphic design and fax/copying. Project IMAGinE needed to be innovative with regard to existing labour, centralized services, ownership of technology, and student services. IMAGinE delivered on transforming our campus in the following ways: – Labour: using a blended model of Xerox employees. UofC employees that … Continue reading "Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services"

April 16, 2009

McGill University Security Services Community Relations Patroller

Unlike other initiatives that involve many stakeholders, the successful implementation of this initiative involved very few people. The position of the Comml!nity Relations Patroller was created from .existing resources and no extra funding was needed. The success of the initiative is a result of the widespread support it has received since its implementation. The McGill … Continue reading "McGill University Security Services Community Relations Patroller"

April 16, 2009


During Program conceptualization and design, multiple stakeholders were engaged to bring creative input, implementation expertise and community relations support to bear on the initiative. Residence Life staff provided practical advice on how to engage the students in events at times, places and formats that would optimize participation. Student Union leadership communicated directly with the students … Continue reading "Adopt-a-Rez"

April 16, 2008

University public relations initiative for fire safety on campus

The kiosk theme was a collaborative effort involving University of Toronto Fire Prevention Staff, Toronto Fire Services, and the graphic design studio. The premise was to show partnership in safety and convey a campus environment where students can feel safe. Several preliminary draft ideas were circulated to different stakeholder offices on campus (Student Affairs, Health … Continue reading "University public relations initiative for fire safety on campus"

April 16, 2008

My Convocation

A project team was struck consisting of knowledgeable representatives from the Office of University Events and Community Relations (ceremonial aspect), the Registrar’s Office (diplomas, convocation program, student records), and the Student Information Systems team (overall technical design) . The RO also acted on behalf of the Alumni Office to ensure the information they required would … Continue reading "My Convocation"

April 16, 2008

Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative

Extensive stakeholder and community consultation occurred during the different phases of this project. Input was sought from students, staff and faculty as follows: – Individual student interviews and student focus groups; – Student testing of systems, communications, workflow; – Faculty focus groups; – Review by governance committees and other committees/departments at York (Senate Committee on … Continue reading "Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative"

April 16, 2007

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