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Found 166 Results

Supporting Student Businesses: Building trust and relat ionships with student ent repreneurs

In March 2015 Western Retail Services (WRS) initiated a partnership with Propel Entrepreneurship at Western. Propel is part of the Campus-Linked Accelerator program, an initiative of the Ontario Government and administered through the Ontario Centres of Excellence. Propel provides co-working space, mentorship, seed-funding, events and acts as an advocate for local youth-based start-ups in the … Continue reading "Supporting Student Businesses: Building trust and relat ionships with student ent repreneurs"

June 13, 2016

McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach

McGill University's Procurement Services launched a unique planning initiative, engaging a wide variety of University stakeholders to develop its first 5-Year Sustainable Procurement Strategic Plan (the "Plan"). Aligned with the University's Sustainability Strategy (Vision 2020) and the Procurement Policy, the Plan aims at embedding sustainability into the University's supply chain. Prior to 2012 only a … Continue reading "McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach"

June 13, 2016

Fund Ledger/Awards Management System

Vancouver Island University (VIU) is a public, student-focused post-secondary education institution. Direct support for students (scholarships, awards and bursaries) is our primary fundraising priority and a means by which we promote access to education.   Tracking the complete cycle of soliciting/receiving funds through the creation and disbursement to students of ~1,000 awards each year was … Continue reading "Fund Ledger/Awards Management System"

June 13, 2016

Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University

Carleton Leader is a bold and innovative approach to leadership development within higher education. It focuses and invests in growing our organizational leadership capacity in faculty and staff so the university is better prepared to face the emerging challenges of our times, collectively and collaboratively.   It is a customized initiative developed for Carleton, by … Continue reading "Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University"

June 13, 2016

RU Debt Free Student Financial Literacy Course

Amidst rising education and living costs and an increasingly volatile youth labour market, more and more university students are struggling to manage their finances, restricting their future potential as responsible citizens and labour market contributors. Observing that most students do not come into difficult circumstances through irresponsibility but by low financial literacy and a lack … Continue reading "RU Debt Free Student Financial Literacy Course"

June 13, 2016

MaTÉLUQ, the university web portal for TÉLUQ students

TÉLUQ is an entirely remote university that advocates quality and accessible university-level study. As such, it attracts non-traditional students who can easily access higher studies thanks to the program’s flexible approach, including ongoing registration. TÉLUQ believes in its responsibility to offer its students the best tools for their success. This is why it has recently … Continue reading "MaTÉLUQ, the university web portal for TÉLUQ students"

June 13, 2016

40,000 users, one unique experience

With over a hundred employees and 460 student employees, Student Life Services (SLS) is one of the UQAM campus’ largest employers, serving over 40,000 students. Such a large service poses some obvious challenges. How can we share an organizational culture when teams are divided into five distinct services that rarely work together and are not … Continue reading "40,000 users, one unique experience"

April 16, 2015

Rez Powers Down: An Energy Conservation Program

Rez Powers Down is an energy conservation challenge that takes place within Western’s student residences. Student residences compete against each other to see who can reduce the most energy consumption over a two-week period.   The Rez Powers Down challenge is organized over a two-week period, from late September into early October. Leading up to … Continue reading "Rez Powers Down: An Energy Conservation Program"

April 16, 2015

Generating a culture of safety within the student body, staff, and faculty at Mount Saint Vincent University

On March 31, 2004, the Westray Bill, Bill C-45, was approved by the federal government and established unprecedented legal responsibilities for employers to ensure the safety of the people performing work in their facility. More importantly, Bill C-45 added section 217.1 to the criminal code of Canada, which read: Everyone who undertakes, or has the … Continue reading "Generating a culture of safety within the student body, staff, and faculty at Mount Saint Vincent University"

April 16, 2015

Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project

Université de Montreal (UdeM) and its 2 affiliated schools (HEC Montreal and Polytechnique Montreal) decided to undertake the “Virage bleu” upon requests raised by their staff and student bodies, and in keeping with their commitment to sustainable development. Officially launched in March 2013, this initiative was geared toward promoting self-service water fountains as the best … Continue reading "Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project"

April 16, 2015

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