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My Research Application & My Research Animal Protocols, RAISE (Research Administration Improvement & Systems Enhancement)

The University of Toronto strives to consistently rank among the top ten public universities in the world. The University, along with its affiliated teaching hospitals, receives in excess of $1 billion in research funding annually from external sponsors. Of this, the University directly administers approximately $400M for 3,900 U of T researchers arising from 3,500 … Continue reading "My Research Application & My Research Animal Protocols, RAISE (Research Administration Improvement & Systems Enhancement)"

June 13, 2016

Establishing Enterprise Project Governance at Queen’s through a Project Portfolio Office

The success of Queen’s five year $30+ Million PeopleSoft project depended on inclusive project governance, agreement on the scope and priorities, and advanced project management. After the project, there were dozens of enterprise-level projects still to be done, but with no governance processes for prioritizing, sequencing or funding them. Most were business initiatives with a … Continue reading "Establishing Enterprise Project Governance at Queen’s through a Project Portfolio Office"

April 16, 2015

Focusing the Risk Management Program

The advances in our risk management program have been achieved only through extensive consultation with our faculties and services. We have regular meetings with our researchers, academics, and operational staffs. These meetings have served to transfer specific knowledge and training on risk management to the front line users, but also to keep the Office of … Continue reading "Focusing the Risk Management Program"

April 16, 2008

Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth

Labour relations is a key part of this process of renewal. Prior to 2001, the relationship with NASA was adversarial, characterized by a lack of trust and respect. At that shop floor, there was no buyin to what the university was doing. University clients didn’t see the value of the service they were getting. Human … Continue reading "Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth"

April 16, 2008

Business Planning Applied to Campus Cleaning Services

Our challenge was to run an effective business planning process in a unionized environment in a university. One of the keys to our success was achieving the engagement of all stakeholders, the staff associations, staff, students, building occupants and management. Everyone had input. At the same time, the design of the consultation process ensured that … Continue reading "Business Planning Applied to Campus Cleaning Services"

April 16, 2007

Integrated Risk Management Program

These advances in our risk management program have been achieved only through extensive consultation with our faculties and services. We have regular meetings with our research, high, médium and low risk faculties, Physical Resources Service and Materials Management Service, and student organizatiôns among many others. Thèse meetings have served to transfer spécifie knowledge and training … Continue reading "Integrated Risk Management Program"

April 16, 2006

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