Lessons Learned from a Senior University Executive: Labour Relations, Student Rights, and Academic Freedom (PDF Presentation)
Tags: 2019, Academic Administration, Academic Freedom, Labour Relations, Presentations, Student Relations
July 8, 2019
Staff Job Design, Evaluation and Compensation
In collaboration with the University of Western Ontario Staff Association, supervisors and administrators across campus, Human Resource staff developed and implemented a sustainable, effective and efficient job evaluation system for staff roles supporting student experience, administration and the research enterprise. The work began a number of years ago when discussions with the union representatives identified concerns … Continue reading "Staff Job Design, Evaluation and Compensation"
June 10, 2019
Transforming operations through better communications
UBC’s Building Operations department integrated a new focus on communications to drive operational change and the results were exciting. We know that reliable indicators of engagement and morale are demonstrated in the following: Days Absence per FTE are down from 12 days in 2016 to 11.2 days. This represents $125K of salary per year that … Continue reading "Transforming operations through better communications"
January 20, 2017
McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach
McGill University's Procurement Services launched a unique planning initiative, engaging a wide variety of University stakeholders to develop its first 5-Year Sustainable Procurement Strategic Plan (the "Plan"). Aligned with the University's Sustainability Strategy (Vision 2020) and the Procurement Policy, the Plan aims at embedding sustainability into the University's supply chain. Prior to 2012 only a … Continue reading "McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach"
June 13, 2016
University Manager 2012 Spring
Recognizing and Rewarding Employees During Tough Times | Canadian Trends in Academic Staff Unionization
Tags: Academic, Employee Recognition, Human Resources, Labour Relations, University Manager
April 17, 2012
Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services
The UofC had a decentralized model in place for printing, graphic design and fax/copying. Project IMAGinE needed to be innovative with regard to existing labour, centralized services, ownership of technology, and student services. IMAGinE delivered on transforming our campus in the following ways: – Labour: using a blended model of Xerox employees. UofC employees that … Continue reading "Project IMAGinE: Enhancing Education and Research through Improved Information Management and Document Services"
April 16, 2009
My Convocation
A project team was struck consisting of knowledgeable representatives from the Office of University Events and Community Relations (ceremonial aspect), the Registrar’s Office (diplomas, convocation program, student records), and the Student Information Systems team (overall technical design) . The RO also acted on behalf of the Alumni Office to ensure the information they required would … Continue reading "My Convocation"
April 16, 2008
Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth
Labour relations is a key part of this process of renewal. Prior to 2001, the relationship with NASA was adversarial, characterized by a lack of trust and respect. At that shop floor, there was no buyin to what the university was doing. University clients didn’t see the value of the service they were getting. Human … Continue reading "Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth"
April 16, 2008
Online Orientation & Training Program for University Advancement
The production of the Online Orientation & Training Program for University Advancement was the result of a concerted effort, and the talent and creativity of a Task Force and Implementation Team comprised of staff in two units — DAUR (Development, Alumni & University Relations) and IMS (Instructional Multimedia Services), as well as a graduate student … Continue reading "Online Orientation & Training Program for University Advancement"
April 16, 2007
The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)
Involvement: Input was gathered from a wide spectrum of stakeholders through the following means: prior and ongoing reviews of needs, an initial collaborative system visioning and planning session with multiple stakeholders. There was an HR/IT steering team, strong support from IT and from the MAPS Steering Team, ongoing involvement of different client groups in testing, … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)"
April 16, 2005
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