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Eco-Energy Retrofit at the University of Ottawa Law building

The University of Ottawa mainstreamed the resource optimization potential to eco-energy retrofits thereafter, opening the way for re-adapting old buildings, which is now part of the new energy initiatives and an environmental commitment at the University of Ottawa. This has been highly applauded and appreciated by the community as everyone feels the University’s decision to … Continue reading "Eco-Energy Retrofit at the University of Ottawa Law building"

April 16, 2010

Recycling and Environmental Group: A Student-operated, Student-funded Campus-wide Recycling Program

In 1999, students of the University of ManKoba voted overwhelmingly in favour of supporting a student-operated recycling program by way of a $2 tuition levy. The levy is collected and administered by the University of Manitoba’s Student’s Union (UMSU) who engages UMREG as an UMSU service. At the same time, external funding and in-kind assistance … Continue reading "Recycling and Environmental Group: A Student-operated, Student-funded Campus-wide Recycling Program"

April 16, 2010

Implementing a Quality Management System in a Post-Secondary Institution

Since accomplishing ISO registration, the evolution of the institution is apparent. The most evident of changes is in the clarity of roles and responsibilities amongst staff; an enhanced reputation of DELT amongst other Canadian distance delivery providers; and, DELT’s recognized quality standard of service as acknowledged by several national awards in course development, technology adoption … Continue reading "Implementing a Quality Management System in a Post-Secondary Institution"

April 16, 2009


The BOMA-GO-GREEN application has provided SFU a formal auditing and verification process to document the existing facility management procedures. This process confirms that SFU manages the buildings in an environmental responsible manner and in particular conforming with the ten requirements requested by BOMA. Also as part of the review, it enables SFU the opportunities to … Continue reading "BOMAGOGREEN"

April 16, 2009

Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance

Once we had developed the framework for inspection, we undertook a series of staff consultations. At these meetings, staff provided important input into the tasks that should be inspected and the weighting factors to be used. This collaborative process was essential to the development of an effective inspection program. Staff input changed the proposed program … Continue reading "Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance"

April 16, 2008

Implementing FAST WebReq at UNBC

Millennium would periodically come to campus and meet with the clients to ensure their needs were met and the WebReq features could be customized for the campus. The stakeholder input resulted in a web-based application the users/department took ownership of and was designed to fit university requirements. A pilot group was then created to review … Continue reading "Implementing FAST WebReq at UNBC"

April 16, 2008

UBC Ecotrek Project: Reducing energy consumption and improve/renew infrastructure through a cost recoverable mechanism

Over the last 3 years, there were more than 550 trades people involved in the construction of Ecotrek. Nearly, every person among the 43,000 faculty, staff and students on campus were affected by the retrofit. They looked at energy, at water, sewage, all the utility inputs and outputs of the university. They looked at personal … Continue reading "UBC Ecotrek Project: Reducing energy consumption and improve/renew infrastructure through a cost recoverable mechanism"

April 16, 2008

Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth

Labour relations is a key part of this process of renewal. Prior to 2001, the relationship with NASA was adversarial, characterized by a lack of trust and respect. At that shop floor, there was no buyin to what the university was doing. University clients didn’t see the value of the service they were getting. Human … Continue reading "Transforming and renewing a facilities resource team in a period of growth"

April 16, 2008

Business Planning Applied to Campus Cleaning Services

Our challenge was to run an effective business planning process in a unionized environment in a university. One of the keys to our success was achieving the engagement of all stakeholders, the staff associations, staff, students, building occupants and management. Everyone had input. At the same time, the design of the consultation process ensured that … Continue reading "Business Planning Applied to Campus Cleaning Services"

April 16, 2007

Open-Plan Program

The University of Alberta has experienced dramatic growth in recent years. Efficient and responsible spending is critical. University Planners and Project Managers work collaboratively and consultatively with the campus community on all design initiatives, encouraging contemporary design and furniture standards All faculties and departments are involved in the development of the general and detailed space … Continue reading "Open-Plan Program"

April 16, 2007

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