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Moving the Engagement Needle – Two Institutions’ Perspectives (PDF Presentation by Katrina Di Gravio and Mark Lisetto-Smith)

Moving the Engagement Needle - Two Institutions’ Perspectives (PDF Presentation by Katrina Di Gravio and Mark Lisetto-Smith)

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July 8, 2019

Intercultural Development Staff Training Program (IDSTP)

The Intercultural Development Staff Training Program (IDSTP) is a multi-phase and modular series of workshops and experiences. It aims to support staff members to become more globally competent institutional representatives in their cross-cultural dealings with students, faculty, staff, and outside communities.   The program is structured into four discrete and sequential blocks of learning. Each … Continue reading "Intercultural Development Staff Training Program (IDSTP)"

June 10, 2019

Intercultural Development Staff Training Program (IDSTP)

The Intercultural Development Staff Training Program (IDSTP) is a multi-phase and modular series of workshops and experiences. It aims to support staff members to become more globally competent institutional representatives in their cross-cultural dealings with students, faculty, staff, and outside communities.   The program is structured into four discrete and sequential blocks of learning. Each … Continue reading "Intercultural Development Staff Training Program (IDSTP)"

June 10, 2019

Staff Job Design, Evaluation and Compensation

In collaboration with the University of Western Ontario Staff Association, supervisors and administrators across campus, Human Resource staff developed and implemented a sustainable, effective and efficient job evaluation system for staff roles supporting student experience, administration and the research enterprise. The work began a number of years ago when discussions with the union representatives identified concerns … Continue reading "Staff Job Design, Evaluation and Compensation"

June 10, 2019

Improving Organizational Safety through a Health and Safety Management System

From Wake-up Call to Transformation In the autumn of 2013 the University of Alberta experienced explosions in two labs, each resulting in significant injuries to a graduate student. The explosions represented a wake-up call, confirming that the university was not doing enough to improve its safety culture. After a review of best practices within both … Continue reading "Improving Organizational Safety through a Health and Safety Management System"

January 23, 2018

IT Services Transformation – Review Approach and Outcomes

In 2016, concerned with whether IT investments in a highly decentralized environment were optimized to deliver the university’s strategies, McMaster utilized an innovative approach for a review of its campus-wide Information Technology (“IT”) services to identify opportunities for improvements.  A committee of three external University Chief Information Officers and three internal faculty members, supported by a dedicated … Continue reading "IT Services Transformation – Review Approach and Outcomes"

January 15, 2018

Building Career Resiliency for Organizational Success: UBC HR’s Career Navigation and Transition Service

As a world-class university striving for academic excellence, the University of British Columbia (UBC) is continually discovering new ways of teaching, researching, learning, and working. Consequently, business needs change and employee roles are impacted. UBC Human Resources (HR) faces the challenge of retention and engagement during change, and building people’s capacity to successfully respond to … Continue reading "Building Career Resiliency for Organizational Success: UBC HR’s Career Navigation and Transition Service"

January 13, 2018

Online Faculty Career Data Systems

In August 2016, the Office of the Provost – Faculty Affairs with Information Technology Services launched an online Faculty Leaves system that modernizes an existing time-consuming and paper-driven process. Briefly, Carleton’s academics can now create leave applications, review eligibility, and submit applications in an online environment. Applications are then reviewed online by: the Academic Head … Continue reading "Online Faculty Career Data Systems"

January 25, 2017

Queen’s New (Activity-Based) Budget Model

Queen’s New Budget Model has had a profoundly positive effect on the university.  Planning for the new model began in March 2012. Over  the following four months, the development of the actual model benefited from a very considerable amount of consultation, and a great deal of hard work by many people.  The first fiscal year for which … Continue reading "Queen’s New (Activity-Based) Budget Model"

January 24, 2017

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