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2017–18 budget document (GFOA)

Our 2017–18 budget plan meets the 27 criteria of the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), and we received the GFOA Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. To receive this designation, the document must simultaneously meet the quality criteria for general policy documents, for activity guides and for strategic and budget planning publications. The budget process thereby becomes … Continue reading "2017–18 budget document (GFOA)"

January 26, 2018

Distinguished Budget Presentation Award

For the third consecutive year, Université de Sherbrooke has received a Distinguished Budget Presentation Award from the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). This highly prestigious designation recognizes the university’s budget and financial approach, which draws on the best practices inventoried and implemented in over 1,612 Canadian and US public organizations. This third yearly recognition shores … Continue reading "Distinguished Budget Presentation Award"

January 26, 2018

Mobilizing Collaborative Leadership in Response to Modern Challenges in Higher Education: Carleton Leader

Universities are facing numerous emergent challenges in the higher education landscape that require us to challenge our thinking of traditional constructs and notions of leadership.  The establishment of Carleton Leader five years ago demonstrates the university’s intention in setting an innovative course in developing its leadership capacity, and in so doing, a commitment to a … Continue reading "Mobilizing Collaborative Leadership in Response to Modern Challenges in Higher Education: Carleton Leader"

January 19, 2018

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