Engaging Front Line Food Service Staff to Enhance Student Success
With a focus on identifying and supporting students in need, Trent University Food Services leveraged an existing staff training program, the Student Support Certificate, to train front line food service staff in methods to identify students at risk and provide them appropriate referrals and resources. The Student Support Certificate program was designed as a professional … Continue reading "Engaging Front Line Food Service Staff to Enhance Student Success"
June 29, 2020
Ergo Fund
Ergonomics-related injuries continue to be one of the most frequent and costly work-related time loss injuries at the University of British Columbia (UBC), accounting for 29% of claims and 21% of claim costs (2015-2019). In an effort to reduce the risk of overexertion injuries HR’s Ergonomics Program established a centralized Ergo Fund to provide departments … Continue reading "Ergo Fund"
June 29, 2020
Improving Recycling Behaviours in a University Food Court
In 10 short months, Dining Services improved diversion rates in our food court facility from a dismal 12% in March 2017 to an astounding 90% in December 2017, reaching an achievement of “zero waste” status. (“Zero waste” means 10% or less of waste going to landfill.) Through the implementation of our new, unique recycling stations, realignment of … Continue reading "Improving Recycling Behaviours in a University Food Court"
June 10, 2019
Ensuring Job Security Through Dining and Janitorial Services Contracts at SFU
Post-secondary institutions have a unique opportunity and responsibility to contribute to the social infrastructure of the communities in which they are imbedded. As Canada’s leading engaged university, SFU undertook an innovative and socially progressive approach to awarding its $15M annual dining services contract with the objective of leveraging its purchasing power to positively impact the … Continue reading "Ensuring Job Security Through Dining and Janitorial Services Contracts at SFU"
January 22, 2018
Say Thanks – Informal Employee Recognition Initiative
In October 2015, Ryerson University launched a new informal recognition initiative called Say Thanks as part of its larger employee recognition program. The initiative’s objectives are to: Strengthen a culture of appreciation Encourage Ryerson values Increase employee engagement An earlier employee engagement survey had identified perceptions by employees of value and recognition, particularly at the … Continue reading "Say Thanks – Informal Employee Recognition Initiative"
January 20, 2017
Fostering a dynamic ecosystem for experiential learning at McGill’s Macdonald Campus
The Office of Student Academic Services (OSAS) was created in 2011 to foster a dynamic, student-centered ecosystem for experiential learning at the Macdonald Campus of McGill University. OSAS was fused by the acceleration and successful collision of four co-dependent mandates in the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences to achieve: i) outstanding academic advising in … Continue reading "Fostering a dynamic ecosystem for experiential learning at McGill’s Macdonald Campus"
January 9, 2017
SFU Zero Waste Initiative
In January 2014, SFU launched its Zero Waste initiative, with the aim of diverting 70% of waste from landfill, while doubling the amount recycled or composted. This goal was adopted in the SFU Sustainability Strategic Plan (2013-16) and has strong administrative support. The Zero Waste Initiative has employed infrastructure improvements, cross-departmental governance, a comprehensive communication … Continue reading "SFU Zero Waste Initiative"
June 14, 2016
McGill Health and Wellbeing Program
The objective of the McGill Health and Wellbeing program is to establish a culture of health and wellness at the University by increasing awareness of the benefits of healthy living. The program provides valuable infonnation on both physical and mental health related topics, which are provided through a variety of means: a series oflunch-time presentations … Continue reading "McGill Health and Wellbeing Program"
June 13, 2016
Rez Powers Down: An Energy Conservation Program
Rez Powers Down is an energy conservation challenge that takes place within Western’s student residences. Student residences compete against each other to see who can reduce the most energy consumption over a two-week period. The Rez Powers Down challenge is organized over a two-week period, from late September into early October. Leading up to … Continue reading "Rez Powers Down: An Energy Conservation Program"
April 16, 2015
Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project
Université de Montreal (UdeM) and its 2 affiliated schools (HEC Montreal and Polytechnique Montreal) decided to undertake the “Virage bleu” upon requests raised by their staff and student bodies, and in keeping with their commitment to sustainable development. Officially launched in March 2013, this initiative was geared toward promoting self-service water fountains as the best … Continue reading "Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project"
April 16, 2015
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