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Found 171 Results

Aches, Pains, and Office Strains

Statistics Canada has estimated that 20% of the current Canadian workforce (3.5 million) is 55 or older, with that expected to increase to 25% by 2021. Universities have realized a rapid increase in technology that has changed the way employees and students physically interact with their workspaces.  This intersection of demographics and technology has resulted … Continue reading "Aches, Pains, and Office Strains"

January 22, 2018

Partnering for Success – Modernizing Supply Chain Management at Memorial

The five-year overhaul of Memorial University’s Faculty of Science supply chain management (SCM) function stands apart from similar modernization projects for its holistic approach. The initiative focused heavily on partnerships and collaboration, drawing expertise from our Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S), Information Technology and Technical Services departments to achieve compatible objectives, as well as from … Continue reading "Partnering for Success – Modernizing Supply Chain Management at Memorial"

January 19, 2018

IT Services Transformation – Review Approach and Outcomes

In 2016, concerned with whether IT investments in a highly decentralized environment were optimized to deliver the university’s strategies, McMaster utilized an innovative approach for a review of its campus-wide Information Technology (“IT”) services to identify opportunities for improvements.  A committee of three external University Chief Information Officers and three internal faculty members, supported by a dedicated … Continue reading "IT Services Transformation – Review Approach and Outcomes"

January 15, 2018

Approval to Recruit – Redesign

The Human Resources (HR) department and the Provost’s Office used Lean methods to improve the approval to recruit process. The ability to recruit, hire, support and retain the best possible employees is critical to UWaterloo’s success across all areas, and is a key theme within the University’s Strategic Plan. Because of the number of approvals … Continue reading "Approval to Recruit – Redesign"

January 13, 2018

Addressing Climate Change: U of T’s Utility Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF) – An Innovative Approach to Implementing a Green Revolving Fund

The Utilities Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF), established in 2012, is UofT’s innovative approach to implementing a green revolving fund. This forward-looking project directly satisfies the commitments made by the university in the President’s 2016 report Beyond Divestment: Taking Decisive Action on Climate Change, as well as the mandate of the Committee on the Environment, Climate … Continue reading "Addressing Climate Change: U of T’s Utility Reduction Revolving Fund (URRF) – An Innovative Approach to Implementing a Green Revolving Fund"

January 11, 2018

SFU vault: A Cloud Storage and File Sharing Solution for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Simon Fraser University required a FIPPA compliant, enterprise file synchronization and sharing solution hosted in our SFU data centre, on our servers, using our storage. SFU vault was the solution. Initially launched in December 2015, SFU vault provides easy file sharing between teams or individual users to assist in the various projects undertaken by University … Continue reading "SFU vault: A Cloud Storage and File Sharing Solution for Faculty, Staff, and Students"

January 26, 2017

Online Faculty Career Data Systems

In August 2016, the Office of the Provost – Faculty Affairs with Information Technology Services launched an online Faculty Leaves system that modernizes an existing time-consuming and paper-driven process. Briefly, Carleton’s academics can now create leave applications, review eligibility, and submit applications in an online environment. Applications are then reviewed online by: the Academic Head … Continue reading "Online Faculty Career Data Systems"

January 25, 2017

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