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Finance Learning Initiative

The initiative began with four central units (Financial Services, Supply Management Services, Staff & Student Payments and Administrative Information Systems) coming together to provide funding and support. These units freed up operational funds to hire program coordinators and offered their staff members to develop and deliver training. The success of the initiative resulted in expanding … Continue reading "Finance Learning Initiative"

April 16, 2006

Competencies Directory

As noted in previous sections, we have involved ail stakeholders, including the staff association, throughout the project and this strategy continues. Communication and participation, critical success factors, as outlined in the project extract and in the project originality features, have definitely been catalysts in affirming commitment from users at ail levels: – Principal and Vice-Principal … Continue reading "Competencies Directory"

April 16, 2006

Regionalization of Media Production Services

The willingness of senior administration to support a unique initiative designed to benefit public enterprise was crucial in building the business model. Management representatives from each institution participated in the initial architecture along with their various unions. Management representation is maintained locally at each institution to liaise with MPS as needed. Directly affected employees from … Continue reading "Regionalization of Media Production Services"

April 16, 2005

Reading Week Projects: Community Service Learning

The UBC reading week project demonstrates a high level of commitment to all its stakeholders -students, staff, community members and the institution. Students are invested with important leadership roles in the development and implementation of the reading week projects. Community organizations participate fully in the organization, development and delivery of each individual reading week project. … Continue reading "Reading Week Projects: Community Service Learning"

April 16, 2005

The design, development and implementation of Health Check sessions for staff members of the University of Calgary

The Health Check initiative was developed by a team of U of C staff members who applied their expertise in a creative and thoughtful manner. The Advisory Committee for Health, Wellbeing and Effectiveness is advisory to Human Resources, and is a broad-based group with representation from key stakeholders. It supports and promotes the mandate to … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of Health Check sessions for staff members of the University of Calgary"

April 16, 2005

The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)

Involvement: Input was gathered from a wide spectrum of stakeholders through the following means: prior and ongoing reviews of needs, an initial collaborative system visioning and planning session with multiple stakeholders. There was an HR/IT steering team, strong support from IT and from the MAPS Steering Team, ongoing involvement of different client groups in testing, … Continue reading "The design, development and implementation of the UC Performance Link (UCPL)"

April 16, 2005

The implementation of a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) program for Management and Professional Staff at the University of Calgary

The concept was first presented during 2001 when focus groups were held with Management and Professional Staff about proposed changes to improve and update coverages under the core benefits program. Feedback was positive that this type of benefit would be favorably received if offered. The MaPS Steering Committee, which is composed of MaPS staff members, … Continue reading "The implementation of a Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) program for Management and Professional Staff at the University of Calgary"

April 16, 2005

The Creation of a University-Specific Technology Platform to Allow a Cost-Recovery Unit to Meet Student Expectations

All stakeholders in Continuing Education, from Instructors to Students, from Finance staff to Registrar’s Office personnel, from Program Planners to IT professional staff participated in the development of specifications for OneCE. The system was built only after a very thorough, six month period of business analysis. The Director of the School, and the School’s Assistant … Continue reading "The Creation of a University-Specific Technology Platform to Allow a Cost-Recovery Unit to Meet Student Expectations"

April 16, 2004

Implementing an Improved and Standardized Process for Procurement of Design and Construction Services

New methodologies and procedures cannot be implemented successfully without support from ail administrative levels of an institution and those that the process affects. An ad hoc committee involving Purchasing and Physical Plant was struck to look at the existing situation and staff of ail ranks researched different aspects of possible solutions. Research done by both … Continue reading "Implementing an Improved and Standardized Process for Procurement of Design and Construction Services"

April 16, 2004

Benefits Driven Procurement Through Strategic Alliances!

The private sector model was used as the springboard to establish this program at UVic. Suppliers and Distributors are supported extensively by manufacturers through marketing support (funds), volume rebates, sponsorships based on sales volumes, product samples, contests, etc. It is common practice that the larger manufacturers and suppliers support their customers through their marketing resources … Continue reading "Benefits Driven Procurement Through Strategic Alliances!"

April 16, 2004

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