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Found 57 Results

Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University

Carleton Leader is a bold and innovative approach to leadership development within higher education. It focuses and invests in growing our organizational leadership capacity in faculty and staff so the university is better prepared to face the emerging challenges of our times, collectively and collaboratively.   It is a customized initiative developed for Carleton, by … Continue reading "Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University"

June 13, 2016

My Research Application & My Research Animal Protocols, RAISE (Research Administration Improvement & Systems Enhancement)

The University of Toronto strives to consistently rank among the top ten public universities in the world. The University, along with its affiliated teaching hospitals, receives in excess of $1 billion in research funding annually from external sponsors. Of this, the University directly administers approximately $400M for 3,900 U of T researchers arising from 3,500 … Continue reading "My Research Application & My Research Animal Protocols, RAISE (Research Administration Improvement & Systems Enhancement)"

June 13, 2016

Employee Recognition and Awards Streamlining, using Online Nomination Platform

In 2013, Ryerson University launched a centralized recognition and awards program that involved creating a framework for recognition, which includes three components: awards, celebration of service milestones, and leaders’ recognition toolkit for informal recognition. The program implementation is led by a dedicated resource, the Recognition Project Lead, who coordinates the annual awards and years of … Continue reading "Employee Recognition and Awards Streamlining, using Online Nomination Platform"

April 16, 2015

The Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group: An innovative approach to classroom planning and resource management

Tue Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group (TLSWG) process could be adapted or transferred to other postsecondary institutional settings. Specific features integral to success include: – Shared leadership by co-chairs from academic and operations sides of the institution – A single source of funding paired with a collaborative decision-making body composed of all stakeholders in … Continue reading "The Teaching and Learning Spaces Working Group: An innovative approach to classroom planning and resource management"

April 16, 2014

Recycling and Environmental Group: A Student-operated, Student-funded Campus-wide Recycling Program

In 1999, students of the University of ManKoba voted overwhelmingly in favour of supporting a student-operated recycling program by way of a $2 tuition levy. The levy is collected and administered by the University of Manitoba’s Student’s Union (UMSU) who engages UMREG as an UMSU service. At the same time, external funding and in-kind assistance … Continue reading "Recycling and Environmental Group: A Student-operated, Student-funded Campus-wide Recycling Program"

April 16, 2010

UBC Okanagan’s Universal Transporation Pass Program (UBCO U-Pass)

The U-Pass program has had a transformative effect in the following areas: I. Regional Transit System-alongside the implementation ofU-Pass, there was an increase in regional transit service hours of32%, significantly increasing the effectiveness of the transit system in the community, which is validated by a growth in regional transit ridership of 15%. 2. Increased Transit … Continue reading "UBC Okanagan’s Universal Transporation Pass Program (UBCO U-Pass)"

April 16, 2009

Campus Emergency Management in an Information Age

The direction the University of Windsor has taken in the development of our overall emergency preparedness program has totally transformed our ability to effectively prepare, plan, respond and recover from any emergency. There has been a full cultural shift from the days of the binder on the shelf to a professional model of preparedness that … Continue reading "Campus Emergency Management in an Information Age"

April 16, 2009

Concordia University’s innovative large-scale on-site composting system

Working towards sustainability involves mentality changes, and composting has long been seen as an obscure, low-tech and smelly way of dealing with waste. Concordia’s system is showing that composting can be successfully implemented in an urban setting, and it is our hope that this project will help to change the way our society perceives and … Continue reading "Concordia University’s innovative large-scale on-site composting system"

April 16, 2009

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