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Concordia University’s innovative large-scale on-site composting system

Working towards sustainability involves mentality changes, and composting has long been seen as an obscure, low-tech and smelly way of dealing with waste. Concordia’s system is showing that composting can be successfully implemented in an urban setting, and it is our hope that this project will help to change the way our society perceives and … Continue reading "Concordia University’s innovative large-scale on-site composting system"

April 16, 2009

e-Thesis submission

The effect was immediate. Due to the high mobility of students and faculty, there were no more time/space constraints as there are with the .traditional paper-based model. In addition, there was no need for third party involvement via the department. Students realized an instant cost-saving (printing as well as courier costs for those no longer … Continue reading "e-Thesis submission"

April 16, 2009

Focused and Integrated Training Program (the FIT Program)

As previously stated, the 1st phases of the FIT program have just reached their first year anniversary, and the results of the evaluative study have yet to be analyzed as that research project is currently underway. It is therefore difficult to establish with any certainty clear effects or impact of the program. What is known, … Continue reading "Focused and Integrated Training Program (the FIT Program)"

April 16, 2009

Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance

Once we had developed the framework for inspection, we undertook a series of staff consultations. At these meetings, staff provided important input into the tasks that should be inspected and the weighting factors to be used. This collaborative process was essential to the development of an effective inspection program. Staff input changed the proposed program … Continue reading "Quality Assurance Applied To Grounds Maintenance"

April 16, 2008

Information Literacy Online: Interactive Tutorials for Research Skills

Tutorial content, design, media, and animation were developed through a close collaboration between librarians and computer science students employed by the former Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology (AITT). Funding for the project continues to be provided by a grant administered through the Acadia Student Resource Centre to create services and resources for students, with … Continue reading "Information Literacy Online: Interactive Tutorials for Research Skills"

April 16, 2008

Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions

Stakeholder involvement was an integral part of the planning and implementation of this large and complex project. In the fall of 2007 the project team consulted with deans and others in the eight Faculties and with four university-wide management groups (Administration Executive Group, President’s Executive Committee, Managers and Supervisors Group and the Senior Management Group). … Continue reading "Portal Partnership Links Windsor to International Online Solutions"

April 16, 2008

Tri-Council Compliance Project

Specific consultations were not conducted with the research community about this project. However, it is understood that researchers are the primary beneficiaries of improved administrative processes and increased understanding/awareness of Tri-Council guidelines. The effort expended on the administration of research activity has the greatest impact on Research Services and Financial Reporting. Due to the close … Continue reading "Tri-Council Compliance Project"

April 16, 2007

Redefining Traditional Contracts for University Food Services

With the assistance of the consultant, this strategy and model was developed by and based on significant market research. The consultant incorporated other university and college models, and also gathered input and feedback from the UPEI community: – Personal interviews were conducted with key member of the administration. – Focus groups were conducted with UPEI … Continue reading "Redefining Traditional Contracts for University Food Services"

April 16, 2007

Benchmarking: a Sustainable Approach to Quality Improvement

One of the successful components of the Benchmarking Model is the involvement of stakeholders in every step of the process. – Directors determine benchmarking projects by consulting with their employees – Steering Committee (comprised of Managers and Directors) approves projects and implementation strategies – Cross Functional Team is formed representing all stakeholders in the process … Continue reading "Benchmarking: a Sustainable Approach to Quality Improvement"

April 16, 2007

Information system used to track key elements of research administration/funding-named eRSO

With a directive from the RSO management, the System was designed from the ground-up by completely involving the users as the experts in the workflow processes. Using iterative methods (DSDM as mentioned above) and with the assistance of a business analyst, each of the users mapped and modeled their workflow processes. This design process included … Continue reading "Information system used to track key elements of research administration/funding-named eRSO"

April 16, 2006

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