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Scholars Portal

As a collective initiative of all 20 Ontario universities, there has been significant involvement at all levels. Through the Ontario Council of University Libraries, the Directors of Ontario’s university libraries have guided the broad vision of Scholars Portal and have worked together to ensure its financial viability. Through the Scholars Portal development group, representatives from … Continue reading "Scholars Portal"

April 16, 2008

Innovative Waste Management Program at Concordia University

Concordia’s waste management program has involved dozens of stakeholders directly involved or affected by the project: – Waste and recycling audits were conducted by the Environmental Coordinator and students obtaining class credits in exchange for their research, plus over twenty student volunteers who helped sort the waste. Custodial Services and Environmental Health and Safety were … Continue reading "Innovative Waste Management Program at Concordia University"

April 16, 2007

Open-Plan Program

The University of Alberta has experienced dramatic growth in recent years. Efficient and responsible spending is critical. University Planners and Project Managers work collaboratively and consultatively with the campus community on all design initiatives, encouraging contemporary design and furniture standards All faculties and departments are involved in the development of the general and detailed space … Continue reading "Open-Plan Program"

April 16, 2007

University of Alberta Public Health Response Committee: A Public Health Leader

There has been extensive involvement of the University community and the larger community through the PHRC. Twenty-seven representatives from areas including the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University Health Services, Law, Campus Security, Human Resources, International Centre, Veterinary Services, Libraries, Research, Facilities and Operations and Public Affairs. Undergraduate students and graduate students are represented. The … Continue reading "University of Alberta Public Health Response Committee: A Public Health Leader"

April 16, 2007

Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative

Extensive stakeholder and community consultation occurred during the different phases of this project. Input was sought from students, staff and faculty as follows: – Individual student interviews and student focus groups; – Student testing of systems, communications, workflow; – Faculty focus groups; – Review by governance committees and other committees/departments at York (Senate Committee on … Continue reading "Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative"

April 16, 2007

Leveraging Growth and Learning through Shared Resources

The formation of the Shared Resources unit was developed from the leadership of Executive Management and the Directors of both departments. Stakeholders were involved in the development and implementation through the strategic and business planning process that results in achieving strategic objectives and our customer value proposition.   Portability is assured by building the Shared … Continue reading "Leveraging Growth and Learning through Shared Resources"

April 16, 2006

Translating Vision in Action

The scorecard was developed as a direct result of the Vision 2010 Strategic Plan. Producing Vision 2010 involved unprecedented consultation with professors, support staff, students, alumni, donors, community and business members in both Anglophone and Francophone communities. Various consultation tools from discussion papers to pizza parties were used to ensure input from a wide net … Continue reading "Translating Vision in Action"

April 16, 2006

The Pro-Active Management of Air Quality

The results of each survey since 1992 were communicated to both the Operating and Planning departments in the Physical Resources service. An initial Task Force was commissioned which drew from both Operating and Planning groups with the purpose of improving air quality related comfort in the classroom. This Task Force was charged with the objective … Continue reading "The Pro-Active Management of Air Quality"

April 16, 2005

Regionalization of Media Production Services

The willingness of senior administration to support a unique initiative designed to benefit public enterprise was crucial in building the business model. Management representatives from each institution participated in the initial architecture along with their various unions. Management representation is maintained locally at each institution to liaise with MPS as needed. Directly affected employees from … Continue reading "Regionalization of Media Production Services"

April 16, 2005

Staff Incentive and Retention Programs

Both programs were developed by the Food Services Management Team comprised of 7 members. Supervisors work closely with management to keep all associates aware of any changes to existing programs. Communication is key in making all associates aware of the positive results of these programs. These results have impacted the redemption rate in our programs, … Continue reading "Staff Incentive and Retention Programs"

April 16, 2005

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