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University Manager 2011 Summer

Risk Management at Canadian Universities

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June 17, 2011

University Manager 2011 Spring

A Fine Balance: Challenges to University Governance, Accountability and Autonomy

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April 17, 2011

Project Delivery Manual

Previously a lack of planning resulted into too many changes during the delivery phases of projects. Quality of work, time and cost factors were ail affected and largely uncontrolled. Internally, the lack of integration and coordination resulted in conflicts. The increase in the volume and the complexity of projects compounded issues. Professionals could no longer … Continue reading "Project Delivery Manual"

April 16, 2008

Laptop theft prevention program, utilizing the STOP – Security Tracking of Office Property

Thefts of electronic equipment and devices were highlighted in many public fora, ranging from student groups to governance. Combined with the theft of bicycles, these thefts are the most pervasive crime on campus and the most serious in terms of non-physical personal impact. Numerous Community and local media outlets reported the Stop program to the … Continue reading "Laptop theft prevention program, utilizing the STOP – Security Tracking of Office Property"

April 16, 2008

NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project

The project mobilized a large interdisciplinary team of managers, staff and faculty committed to the successful and quick implementation. The governance provided leadership from the top with involvement of the Executive Management Group and the President appointing the VP Finance as project champion. Implementation teams, Team Leads Committee, and a Steering Committee pulled representation from … Continue reading "NEXUS, changing the administrative culture of an institution through a software implementation project"

April 16, 2008

A Transformational Policy Framework

Throughout the policy development process all levels of the institution get involved from subject matter experts to vice-presidential offices. Each posted policy in UAPPOL reflects the input and advice from stakeholders, governance and end-users. Institution-wide involvement is well reflected in the universal acceptance of the acronym “UAPPOL.” Everyone knows the place to find a university-wide … Continue reading "A Transformational Policy Framework"

April 16, 2007

Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative

Extensive stakeholder and community consultation occurred during the different phases of this project. Input was sought from students, staff and faculty as follows: – Individual student interviews and student focus groups; – Student testing of systems, communications, workflow; – Faculty focus groups; – Review by governance committees and other committees/departments at York (Senate Committee on … Continue reading "Improving service to students with special needs: A collaborative, pan-university initiative"

April 16, 2007

Automating the Risk Self-Assessment Process Using a Website Interface

By its nature, the methodology involves obtaining self-assessments from all administrative and academic department heads. In addition, senior management and other key stakeholders that included amongst others, deans of multidepartment faculties, members of finance and planning and budget and academic staff are periodically surveyed by Internal Audit to provide individual assessments and ranking of identified … Continue reading "Automating the Risk Self-Assessment Process Using a Website Interface"

April 16, 2006

Translating Vision in Action

The scorecard was developed as a direct result of the Vision 2010 Strategic Plan. Producing Vision 2010 involved unprecedented consultation with professors, support staff, students, alumni, donors, community and business members in both Anglophone and Francophone communities. Various consultation tools from discussion papers to pizza parties were used to ensure input from a wide net … Continue reading "Translating Vision in Action"

April 16, 2006

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