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Found 119 Results

Campus Engagement in Strategic Planning for Sustainability

The University of Alberta’s released their second institutional sustainability plan in August 2016. The engagement process invited the entire campus community to contribute through a combination of online and in-person conversations. Based on a proven model for effective strategic planning, the engagement process produced many wide-ranging benefits. This session will provide a high level overview … Continue reading "Campus Engagement in Strategic Planning for Sustainability"

January 17, 2017

Cape Breton University Wind Farm

Cape Breton University (CBU) is proud to be the first energy self-sufficient and carbon neutral campus in North America. In January 2016, CBU completed the development of a three turbine 5.4 MW windfarm across from the campus that generates an estimated 16,200 MWh of electrical energy annually, equivalent to an offset of 15,400 tonnes of … Continue reading "Cape Breton University Wind Farm"

January 12, 2017

Emergency Management and Business Continuity as an Institution Priority

This project was undertaken as a result of a January 2013 review of the emergency response plans (ERP) and business continuity plans (BCP) on file which revealed that Jess than 25% of required departments had Emergency Response Plans and less that 5% had Business Continuity Plans. In addition an audit by the Internal Audit department … Continue reading "Emergency Management and Business Continuity as an Institution Priority"

June 14, 2016

McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach

McGill University's Procurement Services launched a unique planning initiative, engaging a wide variety of University stakeholders to develop its first 5-Year Sustainable Procurement Strategic Plan (the "Plan"). Aligned with the University's Sustainability Strategy (Vision 2020) and the Procurement Policy, the Plan aims at embedding sustainability into the University's supply chain. Prior to 2012 only a … Continue reading "McGill’s Sustainable Procurement Planning – A Holistic and Strategic Approach"

June 13, 2016

Going Green: A Collaborative Approach to Energy Efficiency

Carleton University has developed a Sustainability Strategic Plan (SSP) that outlines goals and initiatives that take an innovative approach to energy and sustainability planning on campus. This comprehensive model takes into account everything from infrastructure (retrofits and new builds), engagement of students, faculty and staff to outreach, creating research opportunities and collecting feedback. The strategic … Continue reading "Going Green: A Collaborative Approach to Energy Efficiency"

June 13, 2016

Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University

Carleton Leader is a bold and innovative approach to leadership development within higher education. It focuses and invests in growing our organizational leadership capacity in faculty and staff so the university is better prepared to face the emerging challenges of our times, collectively and collaboratively.   It is a customized initiative developed for Carleton, by … Continue reading "Carleton Leader: Cultivating a Leader-ful University"

June 13, 2016

Improving finance service delivery through restructuring to a team-based approach in the Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Previously, the Faculty of Medicine decentralized primary responsibility for finance to units. Each unit had its own administrative staff responsible for budgeting and financial management, who reported directly to the academic head. This structure provided units with control and accountability, but lacked segregation of duties or consistency, and did not give departments access to a … Continue reading "Improving finance service delivery through restructuring to a team-based approach in the Faculty of Medicine, UBC"

June 13, 2016

Creation of PRODIGE, a project management software

Faced with the necessity to innovate and acquire a computerized project management system, a project team of nine employees from the various divisions of the UdeM’s Campus Property Management began analyzing construction project management activities in January 2012. The scope of the project extended well beyond a mere review process. Over the course of the … Continue reading "Creation of PRODIGE, a project management software"

April 16, 2015

Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project

Université de Montreal (UdeM) and its 2 affiliated schools (HEC Montreal and Polytechnique Montreal) decided to undertake the “Virage bleu” upon requests raised by their staff and student bodies, and in keeping with their commitment to sustainable development. Officially launched in March 2013, this initiative was geared toward promoting self-service water fountains as the best … Continue reading "Virage Bleu and Healthy Beverage Choices on Campus: a Comprehensive and Unifying Project"

April 16, 2015

Optimization of the document acquisition process

The budget cuts now commonplace in Canadian universities put pressure on funding and the future of university libraries. In combination with the soaring costs of electronic documentation, this situation has forced the HEC Montréal library to be creative in streamlining its processes and adopt the means to fully carry out its mission in this difficult … Continue reading "Optimization of the document acquisition process"

April 16, 2015

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